corygrant / CANBoard_FW

Firmware - CAN enabled IO board
MIT License
6 stars 3 forks source link

three lines of documentation on tools used? #3

Open rusefillc opened 1 year ago

rusefillc commented 1 year ago

i see no Makefile :(

I see some Eclipse-based IDE any chance to spell out what IDEA this is? is that mxcube? any specific version known to open this project mxcube?

seeing that a lot of code was done two years ago can you mention which GCC is known to work for this source code? i know there are minor nasty differences between 9, 10, 11 and 12

corygrant commented 1 year ago

Updated the readme with my versions. I'm using CubeIDE, I'm not sure what some of those files are for.