Closed ghost closed 7 years ago
Try comparing to the final course exercise. Please post your issue on the course discussion if it persists.
On Jun 3, 2017 10:43 PM, "Samith Dilhara" wrote:
nothing happens after loading the app.its just showing index.html without routes.I think problem is inside webpack
import webpack from 'webpack'; import path from 'path';
export default { debug: true, devtool: 'inline-source-map', noInfo: false, entry: [ 'eventsource-polyfill', // necessary for hot reloading with IE 'webpack-hot-middleware/client?reload=true', //note that it reloads the page if hot module reloading fails. path.resolve(dirname, 'src/index') ], target: 'web', output: { path: dirname + '/dist', // Note: Physical files are only output by the production build task
npm run build
. publicPath: '/', filename: 'bundle.js' }, devServer: { contentBase: path.resolve(dirname, 'src') }, plugins: [ new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(), new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin() ], module: { loaders: [ {test: /.js$/, include: path.join(dirname, 'src'), loaders: ['babel']}, {test: /(.css)$/, loaders: ['style', 'css']}, {test: /.eot(\?v=\d+.\d+.\d+)?$/, loader: 'file'}, {test: /.(woff|woff2)$/, loader: 'url?prefix=font/&limit=5000'}, {test: /.ttf(\?v=\d+.\d+.\d+)?$/, loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream'}, {test: /.svg(\?v=\d+.\d+.\d+)?$/, loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml'} ] } };I am using linux. you may have a answer for this.thanks
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nothing happens after loading the app.its just showing index.html without routes.I think problem is inside webpack
I am using linux. you may have a answer for this.thanks