corymsmith / react-native-fabric

A React Native library for Fabric, Crashlytics and Answers
MIT License
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Disabling Crashlytics and Answers during run-time #213

Open slaman75 opened 5 years ago

slaman75 commented 5 years ago

We have a setting in our app that is entitled,"Disable anonymous crash and usage reporting". If unchecked, we want to disable all reporting to Fabric (both Crashlytics and Answers). It works fine for other services like Google Analytics and Bugsnag in RN, but we have been unable to find a similar working approach for Fabric.

Is this possible? If not, is it something that can be included on the roadmap?

Fabric's reporting is significantly better than Google Analytics, but we cannot include it if we cannot give users the ability to turn it off.

Thanks in advance!