coryodaniel / bonny

The Elixir based Kubernetes Development Framework
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Reconciled deletes don't seem to happen easily #193

Closed edbonddevo closed 1 year ago

edbonddevo commented 1 year ago


Current behavior

With the finalizer changes, it looks like the best way to protect for delete if the system isn't up/crashed would be:

    id:  @finalizer_id,
    impl: &__MODULE__.cleanup/1,
    add_to_resource: true

  def cleanup(axn) do
    Logger.debug("TODO: add in delete / check delete logic")
    {:ok, axn}

  # Reconcile events that we might have missed
  def handle_event(
          action: :reconcile,
          conn: _conn,
          resource: %{"metadata" => %{"deletionTimestamp" => _}}
        } = axn,
      ) do
    Logger.debug("Reconcile event with a delete timestamp")

    new_finalizers_list =
      List.delete(axn.resource["metadata"]["finalizers"], @finalizer_id)

    patch_finalizers(axn, new_finalizers_list)

  defp patch_finalizers(%Bonny.Axn{resource: resource, conn: conn}, finalizers) do
    patch =
      apiVersion: #{resource["apiVersion"]}
      kind: #{resource["kind"]}
        name: #{resource["metadata"]["name"]}
        namespace: #{resource["metadata"]["namespace"]}
      |> put_in(~w(metadata finalizers), finalizers)

    |> K8s.Client.patch()
    |> K8s.Client.put_conn(conn)

I just want to make sure I am not missing something: the test case is something like:

terminal1# iex -S mix
terminal2# kubectl apply -f test.yaml
terminal1# kill the process
terminal2# kubectl delete -f test.yaml
terminal1# iex -S mix

#doesn't get deleted

Right now it's only doing it for :modify

Expected behavior

Is this the pattern we want for reconciled deletes?

mruoss commented 1 year ago

Yeah I fixed that and released in 1.1.1 yesterday. Can you check please?

edbonddevo commented 1 year ago

haha, yes it works.

When I pulled the latest for the Finalizers work the 1.1.1 wasn't out.

Sorry for the noise, I just assumed it hadn't been updated in 1 day lol

mruoss commented 1 year ago

No worries