corysimmons / postcss-ant

Size-getting function masquerading as a grid system.
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Your current PostCSS version is 6.0.2, but postcss-ant uses 5.2.17 #14

Open corysimmons opened 7 years ago

corysimmons commented 7 years ago

I hate trying to use PostCSS as a preprocessor... SugarSS sucks. PreCSS sucks. Everything sucks. Just use node-sass or stylus, and chokidar or something. ffs..

Alaev commented 6 years ago

+1 with Cory on that. At the moment I use stylus.

toklok commented 6 years ago

How does this work to get two versions of PostCSS? I need to run PostCSS version 6.0.16 and 5.2.17?

corysimmons commented 6 years ago

@toklok I don't think you can use the same API from different versions of the same package within the same project.

For instance if I make a pkg called foo and you npm i foo@1 and npm i foo@2 it will overwrite package.json. You could fork PostCSS and postcss-ant, and rename a ton of stuff if you had no other option, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Just update PostCSS and I'll get around to updating postcss-ant whenever people complain about it.

alive-jekyll commented 5 years ago


Just update PostCSS and I'll get around to updating postcss-ant whenever people complain about it.

so I guess this error is not getting a fix - "Your current PostCSS version is 7.0.5, but postcss-ant uses 5.2.18 "?

corysimmons commented 5 years ago

Yeah, sorry. Haven't updated this in forever. Let me do some chores and I'll take a look.