cosanlab / nltools

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Brain_Data method for ARMA models [prototype] #171

Closed ejolly closed 6 years ago

ejolly commented 6 years ago

Working but slow implementation for a Brain_Data method that fits ARMA model to voxel responses rather than standard OLS. It operates very much like AFNI's 3dREMLfit but using MLE via Kalman filter instead of REML.

def regress_arma(self,method='css-mle',n_jobs=-1,backend='threading',max_nbytes=1e8,verbose=True):

    Fit an ARMA(1,1) model instead of standard OLS to all voxels. This method is very similar to
    AFNI's 3dREMLfit, but does not employ spatial smoothing of voxel auto-correlation estimates.

    Coefficient results are typically identitical though vary a little because MLE vs closed-form
    OLS can differ based on rounding and optimizer search settings. T-stats, std-errors, and p-vals
    can differ greatly depending on how much auto-correlation is explaining the response in a voxel
    relative to other regressors specified in design matrix. 

    Current implementation is VERY COMPUTATIONALLY INTENSIVE as it relies on statsmodels 
    implementation which is slow. That's because this implementation is an optimization 
    problem AT EVERY VOXEL, similar to AFNI/FSL, but unlike SPM, which assumes same 
    AR param (~0.2) at each voxel. 

    Parallelization is employed by default to speed up computation time, and input arguments
    control how parallelization is handled by default.

        method (str): which loglikelihood to maximize: 'css' conditional sum of squares (fastest
                      but potentially least accurate), 'mle' exact maximum likelihood, (potentially
                      most accurate but probably overkill); 'css-mle' (default), like mle but with
                      starting values given by css solution first
        n_jobs (int): how many cores or threads to use; default is all cores or 10 threads
        backend (str): 'threading' (default) or 'multiprocessing'. Threading shares memory but utilizes a 
                        single-core whereas multiprocessing can greatly increase memory usage but utilize 
                        multiple cores. Multiprocessing is automatically configured to memory-map 
                        (i.e. write to disk) in memory arrays greaters than 100mb to prevent hanging 
                        and crashing. 
        max_nbytes (int): in-memory variable size limit before using memory-mapping, i.e. writing to disk
                          ignored if backend is 'threading'
        verbose (bool): print voxel-wise progress statement

        out: same output as Brain_Data.regress()


    from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARMA
    from joblib import Parallel, delayed

    def _arma_func(self,voxid,method=method):

        Fit an ARMA(1,1) model at a specific voxel.

        model = ARMA([:,voxid],exog=self.X.values,order=(1,1))
        res ='nc',method=method,transparams=False,

        return (res.params[:-2], res.tvalues[:-2],res.pvalues[:-2],res.df_resid, res.resid) 

    # Parallelize 
    if backend == 'threading' and n_jobs == -1:
        n_jobs = 10
    par_for = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs,verbose=5,backend=backend,max_nbytes=max_nbytes)
    out_arma = par_for(delayed(_arma_func)(self=self,voxid=i) for i in range(self.shape()[1]))

    # Return results in Brain_Data format consistent with .regress()
    b_dat = np.column_stack([elem[0] for elem in out_arma])
    t_dat = np.column_stack([elem[1] for elem in out_arma])
    p_dat = np.column_stack([elem[2] for elem in out_arma])
    df_dat = np.array([elem[3] for elem in out_arma])
    res_dat = np.column_stack([elem[4] for elem in out_arma])

    sigma = np.std(res_dat,axis=0,ddof=self.X.shape[1])
    sigma_out = deepcopy(self) = sigma
    b_out = deepcopy(self) = b_dat
    t_out = deepcopy(self) = t_dat
    p_out = deepcopy(self) = p_dat
    df_out = deepcopy(self) = df_dat
    res_out = deepcopy(self) = res_dat

    return {'beta': b_out, 't': t_out, 'p': p_out, 'df': df_out,
                'sigma': sigma_out, 'residual': res_out}
ejolly commented 6 years ago

This is now part of #149

ljchang commented 6 years ago

Left you feedback on the actual code. I'm on the fence about whether it makes sense to have a single regression method or if we should multiple ones that can be used in the same way. For example, predict is a method that allows you to use many different algorithms. It's advantage is that it is easy to use. the disadvantage is that passing **kwargs can be a bit opaque.

ljchang commented 6 years ago

fixed with PR #149