To simplify the process of C509 native CRLs, what about extracting some extensions from the 'extensions' field and assigning explicit fields for such extensions?
CRL extensions 'CRL number' and 'AuthorityKeyIdentifier':
TBSCertificateSigningRequest = (
C509CertificateRevocationListType: int,
issuer: Name,
thisUpdate: Time,
nextUpdate: Time,
crlNumber: ~biguint, ;new field
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: ~bstr,; new field
revokedCertificates: RevokedCertificates,
crlExtensions: Extensions, ; all extensions except CRLNumber and AuthorityKeyIdentifier
issuerSignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,
CRL entry extension 'crlReason':
RevokedCertificates = [
userCertificate: CertificateSerialNumber,
revocationDate: Time,
crlReason: ~uint,; new field
crlEntryExtensions: Extensions, ; all extensions except crlReason.
To simplify the process of C509 native CRLs, what about extracting some extensions from the 'extensions' field and assigning explicit fields for such extensions?
TBSCertificateSigningRequest = ( C509CertificateRevocationListType: int, issuer: Name, thisUpdate: Time, nextUpdate: Time, crlNumber: ~biguint, ;new field AuthorityKeyIdentifier: ~bstr,; new field revokedCertificates: RevokedCertificates, crlExtensions: Extensions, ; all extensions except CRLNumber and AuthorityKeyIdentifier issuerSignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier, )
RevokedCertificates = [ userCertificate: CertificateSerialNumber, revocationDate: Time, crlReason: ~uint,; new field crlEntryExtensions: Extensions, ; all extensions except crlReason. ]
-- Lijun Liao,