cositools / cosipy

The COSI high-level data analysis tools
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Fixed bugs in doc strings #153

Closed ckarwin closed 3 months ago

ckarwin commented 4 months ago

I found some bugs in the dataIO doc strings, which have now been fixed. After making these changes I was able to successfully compile the docs locally. I checked docs/_build/html/index.html in my browser, and everything seems to be rendering ok in the API section.

I put this as a draft for the moment because I would like somebody else to test if the API sections are rendering ok on their end. In the meantime I'm going through all my doc strings to see if they need any additional refinements.

This PR will resolve issue #148

israelmcmc commented 4 months ago

This is how it looks for me. Seems fine. Do you want me to merge it?

![Uploading Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 7.40.26 PM.png…]()

Btw, once this is merged, if you see the docs are empty (like they are currently, see it's because of issue #155, not this PR. We need to merge #156

ckarwin commented 4 months ago

Yes, please go ahead and merge @israelmcmc. I might refine the docs some more later on, but this is fine for now.

I can't see the screenshot that you uploaded. The link just directs me back to the same page. Am I doing something wrong? Either way though, I check PR #156, and it fixes the issue.