Currently out algorithms do not account for the Earth's occultations, blocking a fraction of our FoV. It might not be critical for DC2, since the instrument is pointing at zenith, but once you include rocking then e.g. 2 same SC attitude direction do not give you the same response across the field of view
@hiyoneda : We first need to update the SpacecraftFile class to return the SC location in Earth coordinates (#215)
@hiyoneda points out that for DC3 we can also use another workaround. Since the orbit will be Equatorial, and the SC will point at discrete directions —e.g. +-20° from the orbital plan, the Earth will only occult a discrete set of areas in the FoV
@lommler Jan pointed out that this might actually be close the real scenario. Need to determine how much it deviates if the orbit is perfectly equatorial
Currently out algorithms do not account for the Earth's occultations, blocking a fraction of our FoV. It might not be critical for DC2, since the instrument is pointing at zenith, but once you include rocking then e.g. 2 same SC attitude direction do not give you the same response across the field of view