cosme12 / SimpleCoin

Just a really simple, insecure and incomplete implementation of a blockchain for a cryptocurrency made in Python as educational material. In other words, a simple Bitcoin clone.
MIT License
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Reason of different inter-process communication #72

Open NeutrinoLiu opened 3 years ago

NeutrinoLiu commented 3 years ago

when i was learning your code, a question is raised that: when you deliver the chain from "miner" to "flask server", you use pipe. but when you deliver the transaction pool from "flask server" to "miner", you use http get.

is there a special reason or consideration for this inconsistency? or it is because only one pipe can be send to flask? (im not sure about it); also i believe pipe is duplex.

besides, this args seems totally useless, because what your get_blocks() api used is the global variable b, the input args is no way to be referred.