cosme12 / cheatsheet-maker

Cheetsheet (cheat sheet or quick reference) generator. Use it for guides, instructions or study. Made in Python 3
MIT License
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New graphic interface #11

Open cosme12 opened 7 years ago

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

Quote from reddit user u/animalAbit

Cool Project. However, the CLI interface not my favorite for this case. I would love something like editing a text file in some markdown like format and the tool would produce a neatly formatted html cheat sheet(or any desirable format) just like your final output. Something akin to jekyll, but for cheat sheets. That way, I can edit freely and also choose to reuse my work if I choose to.

srcecde commented 7 years ago

How about creating a interface with PyQt5?

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

That's the plan. But first I want to finish the basic stuff like the exporter first before doing a big version jump.

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

@srcecde @JCharante any idea of how we should build the interface? I have never worked with pyQt before. Should the html webview be in the same ui window or different?

srcecde commented 7 years ago

Well, we can generate the preview in same window as well as in browser. But it depends on the number of components in GUI to be displayed. Because i think we don't want to create a messy and congested layout.

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

Hmm... right.

JCharante commented 7 years ago

In regards to the preview, I like Gummi's editor style where they have your markup on the left, and the live preview on the right.

For the stack, after looking at some quick comparisons with PyGTK I feel that going with PyQt is the right choice. I've also never used it before, but I could certainly expand my knowledge in creating gui outside of the web ecosphere so if time permits I'll definitely try to help out with that.

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

Yep, we should include sheet preview here too. That Gummi's ui seems like a cool start. As soon as I get some free time I will reasearch how pyQt5 works and do some mock ups.

cosme12 commented 7 years ago

Also, why @srcecde is not shown as contributor? You pushed several pull request...

JCharante commented 7 years ago

@cosme12 None of @srcecde's changes have made it to the master branch, they're still in the develop branch. He'll show up as a contributor in the next release.