cosmicpython / code

Example application code for the python architecture book
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Would you consider making this more of a framework, similar to Nest.js? #24

Closed iot-resister closed 3 years ago

iot-resister commented 3 years ago

Not sure where else to put this question. Nest.js made a lot of the concepts in your book into a framework. Could cosmic python be framework? ?

hjwp commented 3 years ago

At the moment I'm enjoying building each pattern again from scratch in every project too much!

I don't know, I think that different projects have different requirements, each pattern is reaaaasonably simple to implement from scratch... I'm not sure a framework is really needed.

how much of the book have you read? are you enjoying it?

iot-resister commented 3 years ago

I'm currently on Chapter 12: CQRS. Which is awesome. Totally diff design for read model makes a lot of sense. I only skimmed Chapter 7: Aggregates. Which I feel I need to reread.

Overall, Its a bit dense and frustrating when we undo and redo (object -> primitives -> event object). But I feel like thats how real life projects go. Sometimes I feel like its all a bit too much.

But I have never experienced the pleasure of working on a large, flexible, evolvable codebase. Or really studied one up close until this book. Hopefully, I can see the elegance of the Forrest once I get out of trees at the end of this book. My last job was a distributed ball of mud.

I'm reading it along side Microfrontends in Action and it lines with a lot of stuff in your book. I've also been studying this code base :

I'm looking to put it all together as a portfolio piece. So far this is a rough draft of what I'm thinking.

I just wanna put together a POC to show that I understand and can implement all those elements. Also I'd like to be to be able to have great technical arguments for all of my choices. I'd like a potential employer to ask me a ton of questions about it. I'm not sure about using kafka for messages. I'm leaning towards that cause I think this book might good: Building Event Driven MicroServices

Also as I was typing this I stumbled across this book that looks promising (albeit a bit gimmicky):

Honestly, if by the end of your book, the final system has some kind harmony/elegance , then it might be the best technical book I've ever read.

hjwp commented 3 years ago

i don't know enough about js to comment on the specific choices there but it's a lovely diagram!

Honestly, if by the end of your book, the final system has some kind harmony/elegance , then it might be the best technical book I've ever read.

well let us know what you think when you do get to the end! that would really be quite the compliment :blush:

oh and if you only have time to read 1 appendix, make it the validation one. it probably deserves to be a proper chapter tbh.