cosmicrays / hermes

HERMES is a publicly available computational framework for the line of sight integration over galactic radiative processes which creates sky maps in the HEALPix-compatibile format.
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neutrino and antineutrino flux #28

Closed danielegaggero closed 2 years ago

danielegaggero commented 2 years ago


Important double check: The cross section returned in interactions/KelnerAharonianNeutrino ( F_numu + 2. * F_e ) refers to only neutrinos, right? I assume that, in order to compute the total nu + nu_bar flux, we have to multiply the flux computed by HERMES by 2, as in eq. 52 and 53 of Kelner and Aharonian 2006. Could you confirm this?

Thanks a lot!!

carmeloevoli commented 2 years ago

ciao @danielegaggero, yes, this was also my take for the HERMES paper. Thanks for checking!