cosmo0920 / win32-api

A different, better variant of the Win32API Ruby library
61 stars 10 forks source link

Support Appveyor and its dependent changes #20

Closed cosmo0920 closed 8 years ago

cosmo0920 commented 8 years ago

Implement Feature

djberg96 commented 8 years ago

You shouldn't have to explicitly add the devkit paths, should you? Or is this for appveyor? Otherwise, the "require 'devkit'" should just work as-is.

Also keep in mind with this project that some people might be compiling with Visual Studio.

cosmo0920 commented 8 years ago

You shouldn't have to explicitly add the devkit paths, should you? Or is this for appveyor? Otherwise, the "require 'devkit'" should just work as-is.

I intended this for AppVeyor. But it is needless because devkitvars.{bat, ps1} sets compiler toolchain path.

What did work require "devkit"? In my environment, I cannot require devkit and find devkit.rb.

PS> ls C:\Devkit

    ディレクトリ: C:\Devkit

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       2013/02/24     21:55                bin
d-----       2013/02/24     21:55                etc
d-----       2010/02/06      9:39                include
d-----       2013/02/24     21:55                lib
d-----       2013/02/24     21:55                mingw
d-----       2010/03/18      7:06                postinstall
d-----       2010/04/17     12:53                sbin
d-----       2013/02/24     21:55                share
-a----       2016/04/27      8:01            600 config.yml
-a----       2013/02/24     23:51            297 devkitvars.bat
-a----       2013/02/24     23:51            361 devkitvars.ps1
-a----       2013/02/24     23:51          10232 dk.rb
-a----       2009/07/12      3:34           2238 m.ico
-a----       2010/09/29      8:48           7167 msys.bat
-a----       2009/07/12      3:34          37758 msys.ico
djberg96 commented 8 years ago

@cosmo0920 Doing "require 'devkit'" should just work if you've already setup your Rubies for it locally. It was my understanding that appveyor already has devkit installed and setup for all of its Rubies, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.

cosmo0920 commented 8 years ago

Rebased and I've got AppVeyor CI green! Can I merge this?

djberg96 commented 8 years ago
