cosmocode / dokuwiki-plugin-encryptedpasswords

Store 256 bit AES encrypted text in your DokuWiki pages. by Wolfgang Reszel
GNU General Public License v2.0
1 stars 6 forks source link

Encryption does not work. #18

Open Damodara1687 opened 5 months ago

Damodara1687 commented 5 months ago


i have 2 Dokuwiki, and tested with a fresh one. on all Installations, when i create a post . adding the PASSWORD tags, the request the password, and then - nothing appears, the entry is Standing so like this PASSWORD in the Wiki-Post,

Can you help? Using friefox 121.0.1 (64-Bit) on Linux.

splitbrain commented 5 months ago

Thanks for opening the issue. Unfortunately your issue does not contain enough information. Please try to provide as much info as possible, generally following these three main questions:

Please also describe what steps you took to analyze the issue and what (failed) attempts you made to fix the problem yourself.

Your issue should contain everything that might help in analyzing and reproducing the issue. That includes but isn't limited to:

Thanks for your help.

KKeXX commented 5 months ago

On my installation encryption doesn't work as well. Try to encrypt a text: <encrypt>test</encrypt> On preview or save I get a dialog to enter a password for encryption, then the site is previewed or saved and I can see the unencrypted text with tags: <encrypt>test</encrypt>

I'm using dokuwiki 2023-04-04a "Jack Jackrum" and latest encryptedpasswords from 2023-12-20 Running on RHEL 9.3 kernel 5.14.0-362.8.1.el9_3.x86_64 and apache 2.4.57-5.el9.x86_64

I don't see any errors in the debug logs on the server.

I tried with different browsers (Firefox 123.0b4 (64-bit) on Linux, Firefox 121.0.1 (64-Bit) and Microsoft Edge 121.0.2277.83 on Windows) without success. I even deinstalled and reinstalled the plugin.

Any help would be appreciated.

splitbrain commented 5 months ago

See above:

also check your JavaScript console for web related issues

You also don't mention if you're using https (which is a requirement).

KKeXX commented 5 months ago

Oh, sorry, I'm using https with a cert from our Company CA

splitbrain commented 5 months ago

also check your JavaScript console :eyes:

KKeXX commented 5 months ago

I can see this warning jQuery.Deferred exception: $curItem.prevAll().size is not a function @https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c:60932:54 e@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:30158 Deferred/then/l/</t<@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:30460 setTimeout handler*Deferred/then/l/<@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:30669 c@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:28447 add@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:28725 Deferred/then/<@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:30765 Deferred@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:31178 then@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:30694 S.fn.ready@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:31984 S.fn.init@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:26035 S@https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/jquery.php?tseed=f0349b609f9b91a485af8fd8ecd4aea4:2:1051 @https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c:60909:7 undefined and this error: ` Uncaught TypeError: $curItem.prevAll().size is not a function

https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c:60932 jQuery 11 e t setTimeout handler*Deferred/then/l/< c add then Deferred then ready init S https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c:60909 ` But I don't know what that mean ...
splitbrain commented 5 months ago

These seem unrelated. Did you actually use the encryption mechanism while watching the console?

KKeXX commented 5 months ago

Yes, of coures.

The only other thing I can see in the console is this: 18:35:23.705 Initializing content script [cs.js:145:10](moz-extension://5eae67f8-ebea-47f0-8e1e-1c8826db8cad/inject/cs.js) 18:35:23.723 Background Script => Content Script: No Rules [cs.js:117:11](moz-extension://5eae67f8-ebea-47f0-8e1e-1c8826db8cad/inject/cs.js) 18:35:23.724 Object { response: "No Rules" } [cs.js:117:83](moz-extension://5eae67f8-ebea-47f0-8e1e-1c8826db8cad/inject/cs.js)

and this one 18:39:34.833 Einige Cookies verwenden das empfohlene "SameSite"-Attribut inkorrekt. 2 18:39:34.833 Das Cookie "DOKU_PREFS" verfügt über keinen gültigen Wert für das "SameSite"-Attribut. Bald werden Cookies ohne das "SameSite"-Attribut oder mit einem ungültigen Wert dafür als "Lax" behandelt. Dadurch wird das Cookie nicht länger an Kontexte gesendet, die zu einem Drittanbieter gehören. Falls Ihre Anwendung das Cookie in diesen Kontexten benötigt, fügen Sie bitte das Attribut "SameSite=None" zu ihm hinzu. Weitere Informationen zum "SameSite"-Attribut finden Sie unter [js.php:79:6](https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c) 18:39:34.833 Das Cookie "DOKU_PREFS" verfügt über keinen gültigen Wert für das "SameSite"-Attribut. Bald werden Cookies ohne das "SameSite"-Attribut oder mit einem ungültigen Wert dafür als "Lax" behandelt. Dadurch wird das Cookie nicht länger an Kontexte gesendet, die zu einem Drittanbieter gehören. Falls Ihre Anwendung das Cookie in diesen Kontexten benötigt, fügen Sie bitte das Attribut "SameSite=None" zu ihm hinzu. Weitere Informationen zum "SameSite"-Attribut finden Sie unter 29 [js.php:79:6](https://wiki.domain.local/lib/exe/js.php?t=sprintdoc&tseed=174d399ef036e50164bea3119420125c) But I don't know if this is related?

splitbrain commented 5 months ago

No idea. Next step would be adding debugger statements to the code and see where it goes wrong.

KKeXX commented 5 months ago

How can that be done?

splitbrain commented 4 months ago

You could hire CosmoCode to analyze problem on your system...