cosmocode / dokuwiki-plugin-oauth

Generic oAuth1 and oAuth2 plugin for DokuWiki
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Feature request: Redirect to custom URL after logout #128

Open igittigitt opened 2 years ago

igittigitt commented 2 years ago

Hitting "Logout" in DokuWiki in the context of oauth may result in two actions:

  1. remove the application session from the IdP => this will somewhat disconnect the service, but as soon as the user accesses an URL of DokuWiki he is logged in again.
  2. destroy the user session in the IdP => this will logout the user from the IdP, but not only for the use of DokuWiki but of all logged-in applications (SSO).

If there is a logout-button, a user might click on it, but he has no clue what happens next. If he click, reload the page and is just in again, he get the impression that the button has no use. On the other side if he click and get's logged out of all other services which he is using in parallel, he will be surprised also.

Both scenarios are complicated to handle and i think about if there should be a logout-button at all, or if the button should redirect to the IdP account page, where a user can logout, if he want to?

glensc commented 1 year ago

with oauth-azure plugin when you click logout you get redirected to azure logout page