cosmocode / dokuwiki-plugin-oauth

Generic oAuth1 and oAuth2 plugin for DokuWiki
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ArgumentCountError when logging in #146

Open hubipe opened 1 month ago

hubipe commented 1 month ago

Issue Description

There is an error while logging. I don't know what caused it, as there is argument count error for calling sprintf:

ArgumentCountError: 3 arguments are required, 2 given
#0 /bitnami/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/oauth/helper.php(123): sprintf()
#1 /bitnami/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/oauth/auth.php(51): helper_plugin_oauth->showException()
#2 /opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/inc/auth.php(102): auth_plugin_oauth->trustExternal()
#3 /opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/inc/init.php(238): auth_setup()
#4 /opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/doku.php(38): require_once('...')
#5 {main}


hubipe commented 1 month ago

I guess I know, which message caused it. It is this message:

$lang['authnotenabled'] = 'The account associated with your email address has not enabled logging in with %s. Please login by other means and enable it in your profile.';

In czech language, there are two specifiers, whereas in english, there are only one:

$lang['authnotenabled'] = 'Uživatelský účet spojený s vaší e-mailovou adresou nemá povolené přihlašování službou %s. Prosím přihlašte se jinou metodou a povolte přihlašování službou %s ve svém profilu