Open Digitalin opened 7 years ago
Also a way to go is creating a plugin with for this type, see Or if it is really tight to the plugins you mention above, including this type support in one of these plugins?
Thanks to reply, Translating the struct doc in french, I have read it ;-) I imagine the Struct plugin as a small cathedral, empowering users with structured data. The advantage I see to define this type inside Struct plugin, is to give a canonical type for GPS data that could be used by others plugins that already exist or still to invent. But, it could be out of the scope you have designed for Struct. I feel this type would be useful but I may be wrong.
Handling Geo-Data can be tricky (you need to be able to do some operations on the stored data - that goes beyond just storing lat/lon pairs). Just a few pointers in case we actually add this:
If you want to store spatial data in sqlite probably spatialite is the way to go; otherwise add a hidden column that hold the geohash by way of spatial index and store just lat/lon.
The geophp plugin provides a geohash function; the spatialhelper provides a findNearBy(hash or lat/lon or pageid) function (using a spatial index based on geohash)
@Digitalin it seems you have no idea what to do with the data once it is in a store; what is wrong with using gpx files?
Many thanks to join the topic.
Maybe, a "Geo Type" is less specific in this exploration stage than only GPS data. Struct with Sqlite empowers DokuWiki (for those who want) to prevent errors and redundancy, to aggregate pages, to help users to fill in, edit information and to provide forms to do so.
I have read a little about openlayersmap, gpx klm open format and it seems complex. I understand it was not the purpose of the openlayersmap plugin and probably neither in the design of Struct plugin.
My use case is mainly to put POI on a map, so I think more to add GPS data to existing data. In a POI, you can add in wiki syntax links, media and text you want in addition to the needed infos.
I just wonder if Struct can produce an export in the format wanted by Openlayersmap, I mean from a page schema aggregation to get an export for filling the page inside the olmap markup where you want to display a map. Really useful in case of hundreds of POI and a way to let each plugin doing what they do well.
You could always write a openlayersmapoverlays
syntax plugin to do what you want; eg. the mapillarylayer puts dots on a openlayersmap
map using some javascript asks for a feature that could be implemented with a geo struct type and a map aggregation.
As a first step, would it be possible to modify Struct to be able to duplicate some values in the meta data for the page, then use the openlayersmap plugin (and spatialhelper, if you want to be able to search nearby) to display the resulting sitemap KML? I guess that would mean adding an interface to the DokuWiki metadata system into Struct, and defining which key to use for each Struct schema field; for instance mapping "latitude" to geo[lat] in the metadata.
The alternative of adding a full Geo type to Struct seems to be much more work, and would require reimplementing some way to get at the data for a map plugin like openlayersmap, and also reimplementing some aggregation to find nearby data in Struct as well if you want to replicate the spatialhelper functionality.
Map aggregation is a fantastic idea, and it would be very useful for me.
It could be relevant to have a GPS data type as correspondence with time type. Actually, it is more a feeling than a clear idea. Useful to store spatial coordinate in struct data rather than other way and for bringing facilities to work with. This type will be available for developers as well. I don't know (if) how it could work with geophp and operlawermap plugin but would be nice to aggregate gps info with struct data and render maps from it.