cosmocode / edittable

Plugin to provide a custom editor for tables in DokuWiki
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Columns much wider than browser hinder usability #149

Open marcink opened 7 years ago

marcink commented 7 years ago

When columns contain long-text content (often see this with long-URL links), the table editor renders columns to be extremely wide - sometimes even multiple browser-widths. This makes it very difficult to edit content.

A workaround is to horizontally scroll the edit table and resize columns. This needs to be done very often, and multiple times while in a single table edit session, making the editing very cumbersome and really hindering usability.

I propose setting a maximum column width to somewhere between 60-80% of the editor container so that the entire column is always visible, and the content is wrapped.

marcink commented 7 years ago

Additional info

There is a default colwidth configuration property for the plugin. It helps. However, it sets all columns to a given fixed width, which impacts very narrow columns - this makes editing tables with lots of checkmark columns especially cumbersome.

A solution would be a max colwidth configuration.

lizat commented 4 years ago

I am using Editable (with Bootstrap3 template) it such a good tool, but thi seriously affects usability Any chance of a fix?