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Edit counting does not seem to work #31

Closed stvoigt closed 9 years ago

stvoigt commented 9 years ago

I can never get a green smiley, because I always get the message, that there is only one single author (and even only one single edit!). Even if the page was edited several times from different authors. You can see this on my starting page:, if you take a look into the revisions, you can see, that there are a lot of different authors and edits: I am using the latest Hrun on different wiki setups and get the same error in every wiki.

Parad0xMS commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that behavior :( I had to disable that check in the configs and would like to enable it again.

Parad0xMS commented 9 years ago

Ignore my last comment. With the updateed Version of the Problem is fixed.