Open chalabi2 opened 1 year ago
are there decimal types in this message? Sometimes you have to deal with decimals in a special way
In the CLI command the vote weights are decimals with 18 places. keplr expects the transaction message as i posted above or else it errors that it cant parse the weight into a big int.
Im constructing the message as such
export const weightedVoteTX = (
getSigningStargateClient: () => Promise<SigningStargateClient>,
setResp: (resp: string) => any,
chainName: string,
proposalId: Long,
address: string,
weightedVoteOptions: WeightedVoteOption[], // Add this parameter
toast: ReturnType<typeof useToast>
) => {
return async (event: React.MouseEvent) => {
const chainInfo = chains.find(({ chain_name }) => chain_name === chainName);
if (!chainInfo?.apis?.rpc) {
console.error("REST endpoint not found for the given chainName");
const polkachuRpcEndpoint = chainInfo?.apis?.rpc.find(({ provider }) => provider === "Polkachu");
const rpcEndpoint = polkachuRpcEndpoint ? polkachuRpcEndpoint.address : chainInfo.apis.rpc[0].address;
const stargateClient = await getSigningStargateClient();
if (!stargateClient || !address) {
console.error("Stargate client undefined or address undefined.");
const { voteWeighted } =;
const msgVoteWeighted = voteWeighted({
proposalId: proposalId,
voter: address,
options: weightedVoteOptions,
const mainTokens = assets.find(({chain_name})=>chain_name=== chainName);
const mainDenom = mainTokens?.assets[0].base ?? "";
const fee: StdFee = {
amount: [
denom: mainDenom,
amount: '5000',
gas: '500000',
console.log("Raw unsigned transaction:", JSON.stringify({ body: { messages: [msgVoteWeighted] }, auth_info: { fee } }));
try {
const response = await stargateClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [msgVoteWeighted], fee);
setResp(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
showSuccessToast(toast, response.transactionHash, chainName);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error signing and sending transaction:", error);
if (error instanceof Error) {
showErrorToast(toast, error.message);
and then im returning the values here
const handleWeightedVoteTx = async (
event: React.MouseEvent,
proposalId: string,
weightedVoteOption1: VoteOption,
weightedInput1Value: number,
weightedVoteOption2: VoteOption,
weightedInput2Value: number
) => {
const BigNumber = require("bignumber.js");
function convertToDecimalWith18Places(decimalString: string) {
return new BigNumber(decimalString)
const weightedVoteOptionsArray = [
option: weightedVoteOption1,
weight: convertToDecimalWith18Places(weightedInput1Value.toFixed(18)),
option: weightedVoteOption2,
weight: convertToDecimalWith18Places(weightedInput2Value.toFixed(18)),
try {
await weightedVoteTX(
chainName ?? "",
address ?? "",
setTimeout(() => setIsSigned(false), 3000); // Reset the checkmark after 5 seconds
} catch (error) {
setTimeout(() => setIsError(false), 3000); // Reset the error state after 5 seconds
hey @faddat — is there something on Dig chain that is unique for this message? Apparently Dig chain is the only one that @chalabi2 is experiencing this issue if I understand it correctly.
Thanks @pyramation , maybe you didn't see this message i sent earlier on TG but the dig issue wasn't the same as the issue i am having with the weighted vote and unjailing tx. None of the transactions from my application work on dig but i think that's separate.
oh! sorry @faddat for tagging you!
@chalabi2 — I think you may want to checkout the docs, you'll see the prototypes.typingsFormat.customTypes.useCosmosSDKDec
option, used to show decimal fields with the custom type correctly. Highly recommend set to true
I think that may solve the issue?
I have to regenerate the codegen directory with telescope and include that parameter to true in a telescope config file before i regenerate?
The main error i cant get around is
next-dev.js:20 Error signing and sending transaction: Error: Broadcasting transaction failed with code 4 (codespace: sdk). Log: signature verification failed; please verify account number (87516), sequence (500) and chain-id (osmosis-1): unauthorized at SigningStargateClient.broadcastTx (stargateclient.js:267:1)
when signing and broadcasting a weighted vote or unjail transaction.
I have the incorrect values in account number
, sequence
, & chain-id
Other people experiencing similar issues with cosmjs
yea so you'll want to regenerate by adding the new config, and that should help with the decimal issue.
example telescope config:
I have a function that creates the transaction data for a MsgWeightedVote and uses stargate to sign and broadcast via any wallet provider ala cosmology tools.
Im receiving
Eror: Broadcasting transaction failed with code 4 (codespace: sdk). Log: signature verification failed; please verify account number (87516), sequence (479) and chain-id (osmosis-1): unauthorized at SigningStargateClient.broadcastTx
Typically this error is my own fault but ive gone over the parameters and they are all correct.
I read the issue from last year for MsgWeightedVote about inputting the correct number type for the weights.
The unsigned transaction is as follows
{ "account_number": "87516", "chain_id": "osmosis-1", "fee": { "gas": "500000", "amount": [ { "denom": "ibc/27394FB092D2ECCD56123C74F36E4C1F926001CEADA9CA97EA622B25F41E5EB2", "amount": "888" } ] }, "memo": "", "msgs": [ { "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgVoteWeighted", "value": { "options": [ { "option": 1, "weight": "500000000000000000" }, { "option": 2, "weight": "500000000000000000" } ], "proposal_id": "493", "voter": "osmo1dv3v662kd3pp6pxfagck4zyysas82adswgl2jf" } } ], "sequence": "479" }
I am using cosmos-kit from cosmology but I do not believe that is whats causing the issue as my normal vote transactions are working fine.
Please let me know if this is not the appropriate forum for this type of question
side-note: I get the same error with my unjail tx, figure whatever im doing wrong here I am also doing wrong there.