cosmology-tech / starship

A k8s based unified development environment for Cosmos Ecosystem (and beyond)
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feature: add `/clear_all` in exposer to clear all packets on the relayer #415

Open Anmol1696 opened 3 months ago

Anmol1696 commented 3 months ago


Sometime the packets are stuck, exposing the ability to clear the packets on a timely interval can then be achived with a new endpoint in exposer that can clear all packets


Runs following command in the backend:

hermes clear packets --chain cosmoshub-4 --port wasm.cosmos17r3faruez552kdxy0lsjydmj0nu22mxax33azx326039hfe7pnhqy7ztdu --channel channel-2

Might need to fetch the information about the channels and ports for the chains from the chain registry.

NOTE: chain registry will also have channels that are currently stuck.