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Add FungibleTokenPacketData for sendIbcTokens #1413

Closed Reecepbcups closed 10 months ago

Reecepbcups commented 1 year ago

Can we get FungibleTokenPacketData memo so we can create Middleware UIs (packet forward middleware specifically)? It requires JSON encoded values in this to properly work. This works for the CLI but not on cosmjs

Working CLI example

osmosisd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer channel-0 cosmos10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlqvvvyvn 2uosmo --from reece --gas=250000 --gas-prices=0.003uosmo --node --chain-id=osmosis-1 --memo "{ \"forward\": { \"receiver\": \"juno10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlq670lt0\", \"port\": \"transfer\", \"channel\": \"channel-207\" }}"

Even though this is --memo, it's not the 'correct' memo for Keplr / cosmjs

webmaster128 commented 1 year ago

Can you provide a dump of the unsigned transaction from the osmosisd tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer ... command? Is this the transaction memo or the MsgTransfer memo? The later is currently not supported but could be.

Reecepbcups commented 1 year ago


{"body":{"messages":[{"@type":"/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer","source_port":"transfer","source_channel":"channel-0","token":{"denom":"uosmo","amount":"2"},"sender":"osmo10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlqyhl56p","receiver":"cosmos10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlqvvvyvn","timeout_height":{"revision_number":"4","revision_height":"14849961"},"timeout_timestamp":"1681250180453486857","memo":"{ \"forward\": { \"receiver\": \"juno10r39fueph9fq7a6lgswu4zdsg8t3gxlq670lt0\", \"port\": \"transfer\", \"channel\": \"channel-207\" }}"}],"memo":"","timeout_height":"0","extension_options":[],"non_critical_extension_options":[]},"auth_info":{"signer_infos":[],"fee":{"amount":[{"denom":"uosmo","amount":"750"}],"gas_limit":"250000","payer":"","granter":""}},"signatures":[]}

Its for the MsgTransfer memo which is scoped to FungibleTokenPacketData from ibc-go. CLI scopes it to the correct one under the hood it seems

Definitely needed as Packet Forward Middleware & ibc-hooks both will use this packet data for transferring tokens

As you can see here: a successful transfer will not show it in the memo (note) field in Mintscan

webmaster128 commented 1 year ago

Great, so all you need is that new memo field for MsgTransfer. Since you put your JSON in there, you don't even need FungibleTokenPacketData types.

That's cool because I want to build a re-designed API for sendIbcTokens anyways.

duguorong009 commented 1 year ago

@webmaster128 Can you let me know when I can expect the ibcMsgTransfer with memo functionality? Is this WIP? or just planned?

webmaster128 commented 1 year ago

You can already use it by creating the message yourself and use signAndBroadcast. This ticket here is a bit of API design challenge as we suddenly have two types of memo in the same method. Not sure how to do this nicely.

duguorong009 commented 1 year ago

You can already use it by creating the message yourself and use signAndBroadcast. This ticket here is a bit of API design challenge as we suddenly have two types of memo in the same method. Not sure how to do this nicely.


One question, the fact that I can use the ibcMsgTranfer with memo field means that I can use the packet-forward-middleware & ibc-hook functionality with cosmjs.


webmaster128 commented 1 year ago

I don't know packet-forward-middleware & ibc-hook but I think yes.

You can do something like the current sendIbcTokens implementation in your app code. More or less this:

    const timeoutTimestampNanoseconds = timeoutTimestamp
      ? Long.fromNumber(timeoutTimestamp).multiply(1_000_000_000)
      : undefined;
    const transferMsg: MsgTransferEncodeObject = {
      typeUrl: "/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",
      value: MsgTransfer.fromPartial({
        sourcePort: sourcePort,
        sourceChannel: sourceChannel,
        sender: senderAddress,
        receiver: recipientAddress,
        token: transferAmount,
        timeoutHeight: timeoutHeight,
        timeoutTimestamp: timeoutTimestampNanoseconds,
        memo: "" /* your IBC memo goes here */,

    client.signAndBroadcast(senderAddress, [transferMsg], fee, txLevelMemo);
webmaster128 commented 10 months ago

Please see for the current state of the MsgTransfer memo field. Closing here since sendIbcTokens won't be changed. Instead it will be fading out.