cosmos / ethermint

Ethermint is a scalable and interoperable Ethereum, built on Proof-of-Stake with fast-finality using the Cosmos SDK.
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Cannot send the token #163

Closed askucher closed 4 years ago

askucher commented 4 years ago
  1. emintd start --pruning=nothing
  2. emintcli rest-server --laddr "tcp://localhost:8545" --unlock-key mykey
  3. emintcli keys export-eth-key mykey
  4. import key to metamask
  5. choose custom rpc
  6. got telegram-cloud-photo-size-2-5188271608706477438-x

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

I expect to see sent token

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]

problem, you can see it above

Additional info: [Include gist of relevant config, logs, etc.]

maybe should start few nodes? but there is not any info

askucher commented 4 years ago

Tried second time. Got This

Screen Shot 2019-12-22 at 16 27 01

Looks like transaction has been sent but balance isn't changed

askucher commented 4 years ago

Tried web3-cli

 web3 transfer 0.1 to 0x72396557B87D26FDDEACb7088E993E4f54B13a34

ERROR: Cannot create transaction: cannot get nonce: invalid argument 1: pending queries not implemented

askucher commented 4 years ago

The reason is

austinabell commented 4 years ago

Hi @askucher, yes pending queries are not an option currently as Cosmos handles state transitions differently than Ethereum so the "pending" block is never built. I will look into this as I didn't realize these uses relied on pending state as they do, but unfortunately I won't be able to look into this in the very near future.

In certain other scenarios which uses pending queries (which really shouldn't be relied upon anyway) it has helped to just point the "pending" tag as you linked to point to the "latest" state. This would cause inconsistencies if it is trying to fetch the data from a transaction just sent, but may work as an interim workaround.

askucher commented 4 years ago

@austinabell I have changed pending to latest. Now I have another issue

I got the transaction hash but cannot see transaction included in block. So as result the balance isn't changed. Nothing happens.

I expect: validTxs: 1, got validTxs: 0


Now I am checking this -> ->

This point is connected to cosmos-sdk. As far as I know cosmos-sdk has a stable version. Maybe should we just find that version?

austinabell commented 4 years ago

@austinabell I have changed pending to latest. Now I have another issue

I got the transaction hash but cannot see transaction included in block. So as result the balance isn't changed. Nothing happens.

I expect: validTxs: 1, got validTxs: 0

Just so you know, if a transaction fails the ante check, it does not show up as either a valid or invalid transaction, you would have to change the logging configuration to see that output

This point is connected to cosmos-sdk. As far as I know cosmos-sdk has a stable version. Maybe should we just find that version?

Can't until the changes I PRed in gets included in a release. Right now it is using a version more recent than their latest release but I doubt that is your issue. I can look into this use case speciically at a later time but make sure the transaction that is being sent is valid and should pass the ante check (my guess is maybe the sender address that is being defaulted to has insuficient funds)

underthewaves commented 4 years ago

@askucher iirc from followup discussion with @Kubemake, you didn't changed coin name, id and derivation path when dealing with the Ethermint's fork in question._

However we found a bigger, and possibly related blocking issue in recent test:

Apparently a transaction from/to address could be happening only once per node process lifetime, further TXs don't get included into any block up until restart, reporting all sorts of invalid nonce errors (4 required, 3 present - followed by 4 required, 3 present).

Also it gets reflected in getTransactionCount showing, for example, 10 after nofde start, then after first TX per process lifetime is committed,value goes to 9 and stays. (Sending TXs with adjusted nonce doesn't helps either)

Our current guesses are its either a mempool's replay protection kicking in on broadcasts, field indexing issue, but it could be also related to 157 "Ask a question about checking nonce in func ethAnteHandler".

Dec 25 20:11:07 COINcoin-node-1 p2p/p2p_1/22e5ddeeddaf[13700]: I[2019-12-25|19:11:07.114] Rejected bad transaction module=mempool tx=26B677DBC1D1C9A5E005C7EE6E32203D7474B3C07F8C9A2B8420540BAA82A362 peerID=186e48a3e2dafeb2725e281f96eaccd51549a0ad res="&{CheckTx:code:3 log:\"{\\"codespace\\":\\"sdk\\",\\"code\\":3,\\"message\\":\\"invalid nonce; got 3, expected 4\\"}\" gas_used:2594 }" err=null ... Dec 25 20:11:35 COINcoin-node-1 main/fulmain/74ed0e5ef66c[13700]: I[2019-12-25|19:11:35.793] HTTPJSONRPC module=rpc-server method=broadcast_tx_commit args="[<rpctypes.Context Value> ]" returns="[<core_types.ResultBroadcastTxCommit Value> ]" Dec 25 20:11:35 COINcoin-node-1 main/fulmain/74ed0e5ef66c[13700]: I[2019-12-25|19:11:35.794] Served RPC HTTP response module=rpc-server method=POST url=/ status=200 duration=5 remoteAddr=- Dec 25 20:11:35 COINcoin-node-1 main/main_1/8aaa4b827569[13700]: {"codespace":"sdk","code":3,"message":"invalid nonce; got 4, expected 3"} Dec 25 20:11:35 COINcoin-node-1 main/main_1/8aaa4b827569[13700]: I[2019-12-25|19:11:35.796]

@austinabell any educated guess what could it possibly be?

austinabell commented 4 years ago

@underthewaves Yeah, it's because I'm following the same logic as in Cosmos SDK which doesn't increment the nonce of the "pending" state in the ante handler. I'll look into testing this soon, and it may just be the one line fix, but I also would like the web3 API to be able to query this "pending" nonce as well. Sorry I didn't document this well and in its own issue.

austinabell commented 4 years ago

Also it gets reflected in getTransactionCount showing, for example, 10 after nofde start, then after first TX per process lifetime is committed,value goes to 9 and stays. (Sending TXs with adjusted nonce doesn't helps either)

Also wrt this, I just tested this and nothing is wrong on my end (I stopped all processes and restarted multiple times before and after 10). I find it curious that it happens at 10 in your case, since that is when decimal and hex diverge. Make sure however you are using it that you are not just prefixing a decimal value with 0x. 0x10 is 16 which could cause an issue if that is the case

austinabell commented 4 years ago

continue discussion about the transaction nonce defaults at #164 and pending state queries #156