cosmostation / cosmostation-mobile

:alien: Cosmostation Wallet Apps (Android & iOS)
MIT License
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AtomJoin #75

Open ohuan opened 3 years ago

ohuan commented 3 years ago

Problem: Alice wants to send atoms to Bob, but Alice does not want Bob to trace back each every of her txs and balances. That's too much information to give away just for a payment.

However, Alice also wants to pay Bob with atoms directly, without exchanges. Both Alice and Bob love Cosmos, so why having to exchange? That only would increase fees unnecessarily.

Thus, how could Alice send atoms to Bob directly but untraceably?

Possible solutions: Some are already developed and running, despite not implemented on Cosmos yet. For instance,

Layer 1 approaches: Mixers, scramblers, tumblers... Layer 2 approaches: state channels, rollups, plasma...

Taking layer 1 untraceability solutions for being easier despite more expensive to use, we find distinct implementations with different approaches:

On client Cent Decent (over Straightedge or Ethereum)

Proposition: It would be awesome if Cosmostation included a CoinJoin inspired tool just like Wasabi wallet.

The fees in Cosmos are so low and txs complete so fast that this method would be really practical and usable.

ohuan commented 3 years ago

Some code: