cosola-salvia / proyecto-de-las-plantas

Ecosystem plants' page design
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Generar un prototipo para la página de nodo de la planta #2

Open Morban15 opened 4 years ago

Morban15 commented 4 years ago


For each one of the tasks below, upload a photo of your work


Evolving Sketches

misscs commented 4 years ago

@cosola @Morban15 @MariaGuillen @lehysen Here is the link to the slide deck. Please ignore the skipped slides. I want to try recording the testing lesson. The final slide is the activity slide, self study.

Ping me if you have any questions.

MariaGuillen commented 4 years ago




Morban15 commented 4 years ago

Nodo page

Tengo dos opciones:





Cada block (planta) tiene una página. Aquí tengo tres opciones:







misscs commented 4 years ago

@MariaGuillen Nice job showing the evolution of your prototypes across the three sketches. My question is about the prototype below ⬇️


Can you expand on this prototype—what happens when a user clicks "leer más"?

misscs commented 4 years ago

@Morban15 I like the outside the box design, free-flowing, like nature. Feedback and questions below...

Since we are just tackling the node page, which is the plant detail, or view, page in this story, I'm going to limit my comments to those prototypes. For reference, the page that displays all the plants is commonly called a list or collection page. Save your ideas for the next rounds though :)





* El botón `Siguiente` va a otra lección de las tres que tenemos.

Not bad thinking about how to navigate between pages, but at this stage let's stay focused on the node page content area.

* El `Diccionario` :)

I like where you are going with having a way to look up and understand terms on the site. What I've seen a lot on modern sites, is the ability to highlight a word or term and a pop-up/tooltip/popover displays with information. _(Hint: These are different names of components you should look up.) What if we tried this approach? Try to see what examples you can find. This site allows users to comment on parts of song lyrics to discuss their meaning.

* El `nombre de la planta` nos llevará al Nodo Page
  Se me ocurrió que podemos variar las páginas (por plantas). Con esto me refiero a no seguir una monotonía, pero que a la vez no esté muy cargado.

While it may seem monotonous to have the same design for the node page, it is actually important when it comes to providing a consistent user experience. We want to limit the amount of learning a user has to under take to understand the webite. One of the chanllenges of UX design is striking a balance between usability and design (creative expression).

When i'm on a node page, will the name of the plant still be a link?

The big question I'm left with when I look at your designs is, what happens when there is a lot of content in a section? How do you envision a long page to look/work as the user scrolls?

misscs commented 4 years ago

@lehysen @MariaGuillen @Morban15 Overall great job on your first prototypes! Do you have any questions, clarifications, etc on the google slides presentation?

It would be great if you can give each other feedback—what did you like? what did you not like and why? how do you feel when you look at each sketch? what's something you long for? What other ideas does the sketch give you? Please leave your feedback in a comment.

Just in case we end up having choppy internet during standup at 10, today we're going to focus on incorporating peer feedback into the designs. Also, you should start thinking about how things will work with real content.

lehysen commented 4 years ago

![prototipo 1]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 9 58 25 AM ) ![al presionar leer mas, la información emergente se coloca debajo de la actual y desplaza hacia abajo la información que antes estaba.]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 9 58 24 AM )

lehysen commented 4 years ago

![prototipo 2]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 9 58 25 AM (1) ) ![Al presionar leer mas, la información emergente continua con el mismo formato anterior, muestra imagenes de lo que se esta hablando de ambos lado y la información en el centro.]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 9 58 25 AM (2) )

lehysen commented 4 years ago

![prototipo 3]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 10 31 40 AM (2) )

lehysen commented 4 years ago

![prototipo 4]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 10 31 40 AM ) ![Al presionar leer mas, a la derecha de la pagina aparece una sección que nos muestra el resto de la información.]( WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 10 31 40 AM (1) )

lehysen commented 4 years ago

[prototipo 1 con información real]( PROTOTIPO 1 )

MariaGuillen commented 4 years ago





MariaGuillen commented 4 years ago



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Morban15 commented 4 years ago



Aquí podemos aplicar el diseño de María y Lehysen. Que se presente una breve información y agregarle el botón Leer más.


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misscs commented 4 years ago

prototype team review 27-03

Future Ideas

Morban15 commented 4 years ago

prototipo de María





Morban15 commented 4 years ago

El punto es colocar un botón que nos traiga a esta página donde habrán imágenes con figcaptions


Algo así


Lugares donde podríamos colocarlos




O un carrusel estático


O colocar un conjunto de imágenes
