costales / unav

GPS Navigator for Ubuntu Touch
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add exit number to highway in route resume #1

Closed cibersheep closed 4 years ago

cibersheep commented 4 years ago

Expected: to be able to know ahead the rute from origin to destination


Actual behaviour: if exiting from highway says turn right / keep to the right

For me could be helpful to have the highway exit number


costales commented 4 years ago

Hi @cibersheep Could you give me your example from here? Thanks!

cibersheep commented 4 years ago

Sure. Let's see:,3.019209,39.59799,2.7111&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km

I think this should be one of the point:,3.019209,39.59799,2.7111&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km

but I see there's no exit information :(

costales commented 4 years ago


Yes, appears it doesn't show the highway exit:


Previous router API did it.

I'll close this ticket then, OK?

Thanks for the feedback! ;) A hug.

cibersheep commented 4 years ago

Senquiu for the app :D