costanza13 / cool-california

A social network for California Adventurers
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Create initial mock-ups #2

Open costanza13 opened 3 years ago

costanza13 commented 3 years ago

Create the initial mock-ups for the site, including:

jeff-follestad commented 3 years ago

Figma makes it nearly impossible to export in a usable file format, let's see if the link works for you?

costanza13 commented 3 years ago

Looking good, @jeff-follestad! I'd suggest keeping the Cool California branding in the header at all times, and maybe using a highlight on the appropriate icon or just a section header (at the top of the main content area) to indicate where the user is. Other than that, I like the nice clean feel.

Don't know if you want or need to incorporate them, but I replaced the default button-look for the like/dislike controls in my latest push. Really, I'd love to see something better than I came up with.

I was also thinking of using a similar treatment on the tags to what GitHub uses for issue labels, though not multicolored. A single color with a pill shape. On the post edit page, they would have a "+" or "x" in them, depending on whether they could be added or removed, and the ones not yet added would only have the colored border and no fill. Just an idea.

jeff-follestad commented 3 years ago

Thanks Michael, despite the lack of pushes I am making progress and really close to being ready to show.

I loved all your suggestions and am incorporating them. I will connect us to Bootstrap for now, and Ben and I can walk that back if he doesn't like it. It simplifies forms, buttons, etc. so much.

This has become a serious app dude, thank you!!!