It appears ffi-compiler is only available up to 1.0.1:
and its ffi itself that is 1.13.1:
Building locally does indeed work but the resulting gem appears uninstallable?
➜ http-parser git:(master) gem install http-parser-1.2.2.gem
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'ffi-compiler' (>= 1.13.1, < 2.0) (required by 'http-parser-1.2.2.gem' (>= 0)) in any repository
ERROR: Possible alternatives: ffi-compiler
➜ http-parser git:(master)
Hi Team,
Hope all is going well.
Wanted to confirm the following change:
It appears ffi-compiler is only available up to 1.0.1:
and its ffi itself that is 1.13.1:
Building locally does indeed work but the resulting gem appears uninstallable?