coteditor / CotEditor

Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
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Update localizations for CotEditor 4.4.0-beta #1354

Closed 1024jp closed 2 years ago

1024jp commented 2 years ago

Hi @onevcat, @ShikiSuen, @AgostinoM, @aurelien-roy @bitigchi, and, @unnamedd! Could you localize the strings below that I added to the next version? Because the update in this version is quite large, I'd like to ask you to localize the update so far although I will maybe add some more text later.

As usual, all to be localized are tagged with FIXME:. Send me a pull request or submit localized text as a reply in this issue thread.

Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

Menu items

// menu item labels
"URL Encode" = "URL Encode";
"URL Decode" = "URL Decode";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "Advanced Character Count…";

Window pane

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 11 49
// a new option
"Draw separator" = "Draw separator";

Multiple Replacement Panel

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 13 15
// tooltip for a checkbox
"Select to use this replacement rule." = "Select to use this replacement rule.";

Print panel accessory

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 14 33
"Print:" = "Print:";
"Print Line Numbers" = "Print Line Numbers";
"Print Invisibles" = "Print Invisibles";


Regular Expression Reference

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 15 45
"The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications.";  // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions)

Document Window

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 17 35
// tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab
"Document has unsaved changes" = "Document has unsaved changes"; 

Pattern Sort View

// error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)
"Invalid pattern" = "Invalid pattern";
"Empty pattern" = "Empty pattern";

Advanced Character Count

Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 21 21 29
// menu labels
"Advanced Character Count…" = "Advanced Character Count…";
"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "Stop Advanced Character Count";

// error message when counting failed
"failed" = "failed";

// tooltip
"Show options" = "Show options";

// context menu item labels
"Copy" = "Copy";
"Stop Count" = "Stop Count";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.
"Whitespace:" = "Whitespace:";
"Ignore line endings" = "Ignore line endings";
"Ignore whitespace" = "Ignore whitespace";
"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "Treat consecutive whitespace as one space";

"Unit:" = "Unit:";
"Grapheme cluster" = "Grapheme cluster";  // technical term defined in Unicode
"Unicode scalar" = "Unicode scalar";
"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";
"Byte" = "Byte";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character.";
"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32.";
"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters.";
"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding.";

"Encoding:" = "Encoding:";
"Normalization:" = "Normalization:";
ShikiSuen commented 2 years ago
// menu item labels
"URL Encode" = "URL 編碼";
"URL Decode" = "URL 解碼";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "進階字元統計…";
// a new option
"Draw separator" = "繪製分隔線";
// tooltip for a checkbox
"Select to use this replacement rule." = "勾選此項以套用該取代規則。";
"Print:" = "列印:";
"Print Line Numbers" = "列印行號";
"Print Invisibles" = "列印不可見字元";
"The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "該文法遵循「%@」引擎之規範。";  // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions)
// tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab
"Document has unsaved changes" = "文件內包含尚未存檔的內容變更"; 
// error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)
"Invalid pattern" = "不合法的範式";
"Empty pattern" = "空白範式";
// menu labels
"Advanced Character Count…" = "進階字元統計…";
"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "停止進階字元統計";

// error message when counting failed
"failed" = "已失敗";

// tooltip
"Show options" = "顯示選項";

// context menu item labels
"Copy" = "複製";
"Stop Count" = "停止統計";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.
"Whitespace:" = "空白字元:";
"Ignore line endings" = "忽略行尾";
"Ignore whitespace" = "忽略空白字元";
"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "將多個空白字元視為同一個";

"Unit:" = "單位:";
"Grapheme cluster" = "書寫元素集";  // technical term defined in Unicode
"Unicode scalar" = "Unicode 純量";
"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";
"Byte" = "位元組";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "以萬國碼的直觀方式來統計文字數量。哪怕像是繪文字這樣的高萬字,也都按照單個文字來計算。";
"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "統計萬國碼碼點數量(以 UTF-32 的方式)。";
"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "統計萬國碼碼點數量,但將代理配對分別統計成兩個碼點。";
"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "以文本自身的編碼、來統計該文本的位元組數量。";

"Encoding:" = "編碼:";
"Normalization:" = "標準化:";
bitigchi commented 2 years ago
diff --git a/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 8b8d3a82e..9fe81237f 100644
--- a/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@

 /* MARK: Document Window */
 // tooltip for the "edited" indicator in window tab
-"Document has unsaved changes" = "Document has unsaved changes";  // FIXME: new
+"Document has unsaved changes" = "Belgede kaydedilmemiş değişiklikler var";

@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
 "Show options" = "Seçenekleri göster";
 // context menu item labels
 "Copy" = "Kopyala";
-"Stop Count" = "Stop Count";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.  // FIXME: new
+"Stop Count" = "Sayımı Durdur";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.

diff --git a/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Main.strings b/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Main.strings
index b1f09063f..d5022f194 100644
--- a/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Main.strings
+++ b/CotEditor/tr.lproj/Main.strings
@@ -366,9 +366,9 @@
 "dob-yj-jf3.title" = "Yorumu Kaldır";

 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Indentation"; ObjectID = "4h9-iu-ehP"; */
-"4h9-iu-ehP.title" = "Girintileme";
+"4h9-iu-ehP.title" = "Girintile";
 /* Class = "NSMenu"; title = "Indentation"; ObjectID = "YOd-Hk-eIa"; */
-"YOd-Hk-eIa.title" = "Girintileme";
+"YOd-Hk-eIa.title" = "Girintile";
 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Shift Right"; ObjectID = "454"; */
 "454.title" = "Sağa Kaydır";
 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Shift Left"; ObjectID = "455"; */
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Highlight"; ObjectID = "JAO-3o-fRo"; */
 "JAO-3o-fRo.title" = "Vurgula";
 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Unhighlight"; ObjectID = "5is-7G-OVT"; */
-"5is-7G-OVT.title" = "Vurgulanmamış";
+"5is-7G-OVT.title" = "Vurguyu Kaldır";

 /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Open Outline Menu"; ObjectID = "PmT-ho-UU7"; */
 "PmT-ho-UU7.title" = "Ana Hat Menüsünü Aç";
unnamedd commented 2 years ago
// menu item labels
"URL Encode" = "Codificar URL";
"URL Decode" = "Decodificar URL";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "Contagem avançada de caracteres…";
// a new option
"Draw separator" = "Desenhar separador";
// tooltip for a checkbox
"Select to use this replacement rule." = "Selecione esta regra na para usar na substituição";
"Print:" = "Imprimir:";
"Print Line Numbers" = "Imprimir Números de Linha";
"Print Invisibles" = "Imprimir Invisíveis";
"The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "A sintaxe está em conformidade com as especificações %@."; // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions)
// tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab
"Document has unsaved changes" = "Documento contém alterações não salvas"; 
// error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)
"Invalid pattern" = "Padrão inválido";
"Empty pattern" = "Padrão vazio";
// menu labels
"Advanced Character Count…" = "Contagem avançada de caracteres…";
"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "Parar Contagem Avançada de Caracteres";

// error message when counting failed
"failed" = "falhou";

// tooltip
"Show options" = "Mostrar opções";

// context menu item labels
"Copy" = "Copiar";
"Stop Count" = "Parar Contagem";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.
"Whitespace:" = "Espaços em branco:";
"Ignore line endings" = "Ignorar finais de linha";
"Ignore whitespace" = "Ignorar espaços em branco";
"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "Tratar espaços em branco consecutivos como um espaço";

"Unit:" = "Unidade:";
"Grapheme cluster" = "Agrupamentos de Grapheme";  // technical term defined in Unicode
"Unicode scalar" = "Unicode escalar";
"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";
"Byte" = "Byte";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "Conte da maneira intuitiva definida em Unicode. Um caractere que consiste em vários pontos de código Unicode, como emojis, é contado como um caractere.";
"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "Contar pontos de código Unicode. O mesmo que contar UTF-32.";
"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "Conte os pontos de código Unicode, mas um par substituto como dois caracteres.";
"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "Contar bytes do texto codificado com a codificação especificada.";

"Encoding:" = "Codificação:";
"Normalization:" = "Normalização:";
aurelien-roy commented 2 years ago

Hey, here's in french:

// menu item labels
"URL Encode" = "Encoder URL";
"URL Decode" = "Décoder URL";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "Comptage de caractères avancé…";
// a new option
"Draw separator" = "Afficher un séparateur";
// tooltip for a checkbox
"Select to use this replacement rule." = "Sélectionnez pour utiliser cette règle de remplacement.";
"Print:" = "Imprimer :";
"Print Line Numbers" = "Imprimer les numéros de lignes";
"Print Invisibles" = "Imprimer les caractères invisibles";
"The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "Syntaxe conforme aux spécifications %@.";  // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions)
// tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab
"Document has unsaved changes" = "Le document a des changements non sauvegardés"; 
// error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)
"Invalid pattern" = "Pattern invalide";
"Empty pattern" = "Pattern vide";
"Advanced Character Count…" = "Comptage de caractères avancé…";
"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "Arrêter le comptage de caractères avancé";

// error message when counting failed
"failed" = "échec";

// tooltip
"Show options" = "Afficher les options";

// context menu item labels
"Copy" = "Copier";
"Stop Count" = "Arrêter le comptage";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.
"Whitespace:" = "Espaces :";
"Ignore line endings" = "Ignorer les fins de lignes";
"Ignore whitespace" = "Ignorer les espaces";
"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "Compter les espaces consécutifs comme un seul";

"Unit:" = "Unité :";
"Grapheme cluster" = "Grapheme cluster";  // technical term defined in Unicode
"Unicode scalar" = "Scalaire Unicode";
"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";
"Byte" = "Byte";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "Comptage intuitif tel que défini par Unicode. Un caractère comprenant plusieurs points de code Unicode, par exemple un emoji, sont comptés comme un seul caractère.";
"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32.";
"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "Compter les points de code Unicode, mais les paires de caractères de substitution comme deux caractères.";
"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "Compter les bytes de texte encodé selon l'encodage spécifié.";

"Encoding:" = "Encodage :";
"Normalization:" = "Normalisation :";
ShikiSuen commented 2 years ago

@1024jp すみませんが、昨日の夜の送った翻訳には書き間違った箇所があります。 先ほど「范式」をすべて「範式」と訂正しました。 よろしくお願い致します。

ShikiSuen commented 2 years ago

I also changed this:

// a new option
"Draw separator" = "繪製分隔線";


Reason: This term is more suitable when describing line-like separators between lines of texts.

AgostinoM commented 2 years ago


Here you are the Italian localization.



Menu items // menu item labels

"URL Encode" = "Codifica URL";

"URL Decode" = "Decodifica URL";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "Conteggio caratteri avanzato…"; Window pane // a new option

"Draw separator" = "Disegna separatore"; Multiple Replacement Panel // tooltip for a checkbox

"Select to use this replacement rule." = "Seleziona per usare questa regola di sostituzione."; Print panel accessory "Print:" = "Stampa:"; "Print Line Numbers" = "Stampa numeri di riga";

"Print Invisibles" = "Stampa invisibili"; Localizable.strings Regular Expression Reference "The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "La sintassi rispetta le specifiche @.***";  // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions) Document Window // tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab

"Document has unsaved changes" = "Il Documento contiene modifiche non salvate"; Pattern Sort View // error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)

"Invalid pattern" = "Pattern non valido";

"Empty pattern" = "Pattern vuoto"; Advanced Character Count // menu labels

"Advanced Character Count…" = "Conteggio caratteri avanzato…";

"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "Interrompi il conteggio caratteri avanzato";

// error message when counting failed

"failed" = "non riuscito";

// tooltip

"Show options" = "Mostra opzioni";

// context menu item labels

"Copy" = "Copia";

"Stop Count" = "Interrompi il conteggio";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label. "Whitespace:" = "Spazi bianchi:";

"Ignore line endings" = "Ignora i fine riga";

"Ignore whitespace" = "Ignora gli spazi bianchi";

"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "Tratta spazi bianchi consecutivi come un unico spazio";

"Unit:" = "Unità:";

"Grapheme cluster" = "Raggruppamento di Grapheme";  // technical term defined in Unicode

"Unicode scalar" = "Scalare Unicode";

"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";

"Byte" = "Byte";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "Conta nel modo intuitivo definito in Unicode. Un carattere composto di più codici Unicode, come un emoji, è conteggiato come carattere unico.";

"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "Conta i codici Unicode, come nella codifica UTF-32.";

"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "Conta i codici Unicode ma considera una coppia di caratteri sostitutivi come due caratteri.";

"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "Conta i byte del testo codificato secondo la codifica specificata.";

"Encoding:" = "Codifica:";

"Normalization:" = "Normalizzazione:"; — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

onevcat commented 2 years ago
// menu item labels
"URL Encode" = "URL 编码";
"URL Decode" = "URL 解码";

"Advanced Character Count…" = "高级字符计数…";
// a new option
"Draw separator" = "绘制分隔线";
// tooltip for a checkbox
"Select to use this replacement rule." = "选中以使用该替换规则。";
"Print:" = "打印:";
"Print Line Numbers" = "打印行号";
"Print Invisibles" = "打印不可见元素";
"The syntax conforms to the %@ specifications." = "语法遵守 %@ 规范";  // %@ is the name of the regex engine (ICU Regular Expressions)
// tooltip for the "edited" indicator in the window tab
"Document has unsaved changes" = "文档中存在未保存的更改"; 
// error messages ("pattern" is a regular expression pattern)
"Invalid pattern" = "无效的表达式";
"Empty pattern" = "空白的表达式";
// menu labels
"Advanced Character Count…" = "高级字符计数…";
"Stop Advanced Character Count" = "停止高级字符计数";

// error message when counting failed
"failed" = "失败";

// tooltip
"Show options" = "显示选项";

// context menu item labels
"Copy" = "复制";
"Stop Count" = "停止计数";  // This "Stop" should be translated the same as it is in the "Stop Advanced Character Count" menu label.
"Whitespace:" = "空格:";
"Ignore line endings" = "忽略行尾";
"Ignore whitespace" = "忽略空格";
"Treat consecutive whitespace as one space" = "将连续空格视作一个空格";

"Unit:" = "单位:";
"Grapheme cluster" = "字位簇";  // technical term defined in Unicode
"Unicode scalar" = "Unicode 标量";
"UTF-16" = "UTF-16";
"Byte" = "字节";

"Count in the intuitive way defined in Unicode. A character consisting of multiple Unicode code points, such as emojis, is counted as one character." = "以 Unicode 中定义的直观方式进行计数。如颜文字这样由多个 Unicode 码点组成的字符,计数为一个字符。";
"Count Unicode code points. Same as counting UTF-32." = "计算 Unicode 码点,同 UTF-32.";
"Count Unicode code points but a surrogate pair as two characters." = "计算 Unicode Unicode 码点,但将一个代理对计算为两个字符。";
"Count bytes of the text encoded with the specified encoding." = "计算文本按照指定编码方式后得到的字节数。";

"Encoding:" = "编码:";
"Normalization:" = "标准化:";
1024jp commented 2 years ago

Thank you everyone for the quick update!