coteditor / CotEditor

Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
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Update localizations for CotEditor 4.8.0 -2 #1602

Closed 1024jp closed 6 months ago

1024jp commented 6 months ago

Hello guys. Although I've already asked you to localize new strings in CotEditor 4.8.0 on #1596, I'd like to ask again as I added a user interface that contains new strings. Please localize the strings below.

Since this change has actually not yet been committed to the main branch, please all reply to this thread at this time.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

New About panel

// button label
"Credits" = "Credits" ;

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "Code Contributors”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "and everyone who supports CotEditor!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work.”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "only on non-AppStore version”;
bitigchi commented 6 months ago


1024jp @.***> şunları yazdı (25 Mar 2024 18:40):

// section heading "Code Contributors" = “Kod Katkıcıları”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section "and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = “ve CotEditor’u destekleyen herkes!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks "CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor aşağıdaki muhteşem teknolojileri kullanır. Değerli çalışmalarını kullanmamıza izin veren herkese şükran borçluyuz.”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license "only on non-AppStore ver." = “yalnızca App Store olmayan sürümde”;

Omitted the very last period, since I did not use an abbreviation. Feel free to add if it’s a sentence period.

unnamedd commented 6 months ago

@1024jp 🇧🇷 pt_BR

// button label
"Credits" = "Créditos";

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "Contribuidores do Código";

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "e todos que apoiam o CotEditor!";

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor usa as incríveis tecnologias a seguir. Somos profundamente gratos àqueles que nos permitem usar seu valioso trabalho.";

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore ver." = "apenas na versão fora da AppStore.";
AgostinoM commented 6 months ago

Hello, Italian localisation below.

Cheers, Agostino

Il giorno lun 25 mar 2024 alle ore 16:40 1024jp @.***> ha scritto:

Hello guys. Although I've already asked you to localize new strings in CotEditor 4.8.0 on #1596, I'd like to ask again as I added more user interface that contains new strings. Please localize the strings below.

Since this change has actually not yet been committed to the main branch, please all reply to this thread at this time.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

New About panel Screenshot.png (view on web)

// button label"Credits" = "Crediti" ; // section heading"Code Contributors" = "Collaboratori al codice”;// last line of the Special Thanks section"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "e a tutti i sostenitori di CotEditor!”; // acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor fa uso delle fantastiche seguenti tecnologie. Un enorme grazie a coloro che ci permettono di utilizzarle.”;// annotation for the Sparkle framework license"only on non-AppStore ver." = "solo sulla versione non sull'AppStore.”;

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1024jp commented 6 months ago

@AgostinoM, @unnamedd Thank you!

@bitigchi Thank you, but it seems the translation for the term "Credits" is missing.

Omitted the very last period, since I did not use an abbreviation. Feel free to add if it’s a sentence period.

That is ok. Thank you for the exploration. Moreover, I realized it would be better if the original string also did not abbreviate the word. I'll change it.

ShikiSuen commented 6 months ago


// button label
"Credits" = "銘謝";

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "原始碼貢獻者們”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "以及應援著 CotEditor 的諸位!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor 有使用到下述絕倫的技術。我們對那些向這些技術做出貢獻的人士們深表敬意。”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "僅「非 Mac App Store」發行版有使用到该模组”;

CHS, for temporary reference. Please prioritize @onevcat 's decision if he posts his translation.

// button label
"Credits" = "鸣谢";

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "源代码贡献者们”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "以及声援着 CotEditor 的诸位!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor 用到了下述绝伦的技术。我们对那些向这些技术做出贡献的人士们深表敬意。”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "仅「非 Mac App Store」发行版有使用到该功能模块”;
bitigchi commented 6 months ago

@AgostinoM, @unnamedd Thank you!

@bitigchi Thank you, but it seems the translation for the term "Credits" is missing.

Omitted the very last period, since I did not use an abbreviation. Feel free to add if it’s a sentence period.

That is ok. Thank you for the exploration. Moreover, I realized it would be better if the original string also did not abbreviate the word. I'll change it.

Sorry, must have missed that. Credits = Emeği Geçenler.

yasingunaydiin commented 6 months ago

Hi, Dutch localization below:

// button label "Credits" = "Credits" ;

// section heading "Code Contributors" = "Code Bijdragers”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section "and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "en iedereen die CotEditor steunt!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks "CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor gebruikt de volgende geweldige technologieën. We zijn degenen die ons hun waardevolle werk laten gebruiken zeer dankbaar.”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license "only on non-AppStore ver." = "alleen op niet-AppStore ver.”;

Op ma 25 mrt 2024 om 18:40 schreef 1024jp @.***>:

Hello guys. Although I've already asked you to localize new strings in CotEditor 4.8.0 on #1596, I'd like to ask again as I added more user interface that contains new strings. Please localize the strings below.

Since this change has actually not yet been committed to the main branch, please all reply to this thread at this time.

Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

New About panel Screenshot.png (view on web)

// button label"Credits" = "Credits" ; // section heading"Code Contributors" = "Code Contributors”;// last line of the Special Thanks section"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "and everyone who supports CotEditor!”; // acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work.”;// annotation for the Sparkle framework license"only on non-AppStore ver." = "only on non-AppStore ver.”;

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[image: user img] Yasin Günaydın Localization Specialist/ Interpreter Dutch & Turkish

onevcat commented 6 months ago

Thanks for @ShikiSuen's comment!

My version here:

// button label
"Credits" = "鸣谢";

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "源代码贡献者”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "以及支持 CotEditor 的各位!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor 使用了下述绝伦的技术。对于让我们得以使用这些宝贵作品的人们,我们深表谢意。”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "仅在「非 App Store」版本使用”;

Just want to confirm with @ShikiSuen on the CHT translation of:

We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work.

It seems that you've interpreted the original text somewhat in your translation. Although the implications might be similar, the meanings actually have some differences (especially the word "contributing (贡献)", which is totally missing in the original text). I guess it is intended and a creation. Not offensive, but just want to make sure about it.

ShikiSuen commented 6 months ago

@onevcat ご意見誠にありがとうございます。


// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor 有使用到下述絕倫的技術。我們對那些讓我們用上了這些技術的人士們深表敬意。”;

@1024jp よろしくお願いいたします。

martinr-kytka commented 6 months ago

Hi, Czech localization below:

// button label
"Credits" = "Kredity" ;

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "Přispěvatelé do kódu”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "a všem, kteří podporují CotEditor!”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor používá následující úžasné technologie. Jsme velmi vděční všem, kteří nám umožnili použít jejich přínosnou práci.”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "pouze u verzí mimo App Store”;
aurelien-roy commented 6 months ago

Hi! French below:

// button label
"Credits" = "Crédits" ;

// section heading
"Code Contributors" = "Contributeurs du code”;

// last line of the Special Thanks section
"and everyone who supports CotEditor!" = "ainsi que tous ceux supportant CotEditor !”;

// acknowledgement for 3rd-party frameworks
"CotEditor uses the following awesome technologies. We are deeply grateful for those who let us use their valuable work." = "CotEditor utilise les technologies géniales suivantes. Nous sommes très reconnaissants envers ceux nous permettant d’utiliser leurs précieux travaux.”;

// annotation for the Sparkle framework license
"only on non-AppStore version" = "uniquement la version non-AppStore”;
1024jp commented 6 months ago

Thank you all!