cotestatnt / AsyncTelegram2

Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection.
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Adding a delete message method #107

Closed MicDG closed 1 year ago

MicDG commented 1 year ago

Hello, just wondering if something like this could be added to delete a message:

bool AsyncTelegram2::deleteMessage(const TBMessage &msg)
    char payload[BUFFER_SMALL];
    snprintf(payload, BUFFER_SMALL,
        "{\"chat_id\":%lld,\"message_id\":%" INT32 "}",
        msg.chatId, msg.messageID);

    const bool result = sendCommand("deleteMessage", payload);
    log_debug("%s", payload);
    return result;

Thank you very much!

cotestatnt commented 1 year ago

Hi @MicDG In order to delete a message you need two things as I assume you have already checked:

With that method you will be able to delete just in case you are replying to a received message you. So I think it would be better defining something more "general" and then ovverride the method:

bool AsyncTelegram2::deleteMessage(const char* chatId, const char* messageId)
    char payload[BUFFER_SMALL];
    snprintf(payload, BUFFER_SMALL,
        "{\"chat_id\":%lld,\"message_id\":%" INT32 "}",
         chatId, messageId);

    const bool result = sendCommand("deleteMessage", payload);
    log_debug("%s", payload);
    return result;

bool AsyncTelegram2::deleteMessage(const TBMessage &msg) 
    return deleteMessage(msg.chatId, msg.messageID);
MicDG commented 1 year ago

That makes sense, should I make a pull request to add it to the library?

cotestatnt commented 1 year ago

Yes, if you can.

Otherwise I will add in the next release.