cotestatnt / AsyncTelegram2

Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection.
MIT License
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Sending messages #52

Closed gravedigger21 closed 2 years ago

gravedigger21 commented 2 years ago

Hi! I continue to deal with your library and faced the fact that I can not send a message to the telegram when any events occur. For example, write the following code: void loop() { TBMessage msg; if(digitalRead(button)==HIGH) myBot.sendMessage(msg, " button=1"); } but nothing comes in telegram. What am I doing wrong? At the same time, there is a connection with telegram.

cotestatnt commented 2 years ago

Hi @gravedigger21 I'm sorry for late reply, but i'm very busy in these days.

In the examples included in library, the bot send a message to user as a reply, so the struct TBMessage msg is already valorized with all necessary data.

In order to be able to send directly a message to user (or to groups), you need to know the ID in advance. For example in echoBot.ino you can find these lines of code:

  // Send a message to specific user who has started your bot
  // Target user can find it's own userid with the bot @JsonDumpBot
  int64_t userid = 123456789;  
  myBot.sendTo(userid, welcome_msg);

With your sample code it will be:

int64_t userid = 123456789;  
void loop() { 
  if(digitalRead(button)==HIGH) {    
    myBot.sendTo(userid, " button=1"); 

You could use also the sendMessage() method, but fitting the msg struct with the ID, but I think sendTo() is more "clear":

void loop() { 
  if(digitalRead(button)==HIGH) {
     TBMessage msg;
     msg.chatId = 123456789;
     myBot.sendMessage(msg, " button=1"); 
cotestatnt commented 2 years ago

I'm going to close this issue for inactivity. Reopen if you need more info.