cotestatnt / AsyncTelegram2

Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection.
MIT License
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USE_CLIENTSSL what is the right choise? #73

Closed joroMaser closed 2 years ago

joroMaser commented 2 years ago

I saw your descriptionhere . But I didn't understand what is the advantage of each choice please? I use esp32wroom

cotestatnt commented 2 years ago

Hi @joroMaser With some old "ESP32 Arduino core" release there was an issue with WiFiClientSecure which cause memory leak sometimes. #5781 #3808

Actually this bug was fixed, so you can choice whatever you prefer as SSLClient

joroMaser commented 2 years ago

So maybe it's better to always use SSLClient instead of WiFiClientSecure 3 more questions please : 1- What is the diffrence between myBot.sendToChannel(msg.chatId, "hi!"); To myBot.sendMessage(msg,"hi");

2) and I think const String &channel in sendToChannel need to be int64_t like chatId in TBMessage no ?

3) sendTo can't send to group / channel? only to user_id?

Thank you

cotestatnt commented 2 years ago

At the moment, with ESP32 release 2.0.1, I'm using only WiFiClientSecure because SSLClient take a very long time to be compiled :( despite to it's very good performance.

A channel it's something different either from users and from groups, so it's necessary a specific method to send message.

sendTo() can send to a group or a to a user (the difference from groups and users are only in the ID where it is negative int64 for groups)