cotestatnt / AsyncTelegram2

Powerful, flexible and secure Arduino Telegram BOT library. Hardware independent, it can be used with any MCU capable of handling an SSL connection.
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Feature request: send a text or CSV file as attachment #96

Closed henkjannl closed 1 year ago

henkjannl commented 1 year ago


I was looking for a way to submit a feature request but I cannot find it, so sorry for posting this as an issue.

I would like to be able to send a logfile from my room thermostat ( to my computer over Telegram. How difficult would it be for me to add a function similar to sendPhotoByFile to get this done? Can anyone provide hints on how to approach this?

Help is appreciated.


cotestatnt commented 1 year ago

Hi @henkjannl . This feature should be already implemented, but I've never tried it to be honest. I need to check only which type of content is necessary to set in the headers of request because at the moment CSV files are not included.

As soon as I have some free time I try to add this small change and prepare an example

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast reply. I'll try if ZIP or PDF works, or try to add a similar combination. Keep you posted! In the Telegram Desktop version it is possible to send CSV files, so there should be a possibility in the Telegram API.

cotestatnt commented 1 year ago

Good morning @henkjannl I've just added the feature requested. You need to update to the library release 2.1.8, because some code changes was needed in source code.

I've prepared also a new example with some cases of use.

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Wow that's excellent thank you. I'm not able to test now since I have quite a heavy flu. Really grateful.

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Works wonderfully. Many thanks @cotestatnt!! Very much appreciated

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Hi, Sending CSV files works great. Thanks for implementing!

I have an additional question. I have implemented a temperature logger with an inline keyboard with two keys: one to send the logfile and the other to clear the logfile.

The first callback routine is implemented like this:

void onSendLog(const TBMessage &queryMsg){
  File file =, FILE_WRITE);

  struct tm * localTime;
  for (auto const& datapoint : TemperatureLog) {
      localTime = localtime(& (datapoint.first) );
      file.printf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d,%.6f\n", 
        localTime->tm_year+1900, localTime->tm_mon+1, localTime->tm_mday,
        localTime->tm_hour, localTime->tm_min, localTime->tm_sec, 
        datapoint.second ); 


  file =, "r");
  if (file) {
    myBot.sendDocument(queryMsg, file, file.size(), AsyncTelegram2::DocumentType::CSV,;
    myBot.sendMessage(queryMsg, "Log file sent", inlineKeyboard);          
    Serial.println("Can't open the file. Upload \"data\" folder to filesystem");

Steps are:

However, instead of sending the "Log file sent" notification, the document in step 2 is sometimes sent a second time. But the "Log file sent" message is never sent.

Do I need to clear a buffer or wait for something before I can send a message after sending a document? Or do I need to make a buffer larger?

cotestatnt commented 1 year ago

Hi @henkjannl! I'm sorry for big delay, but I was very busy in this last months. I tried to simulate a sketch similar to yours and I also encountered the same malfunction.

After some debugging, I noticed that after sending a stream (like a file from the filesystem), the connection was always closed by the server because I forgot to put the "Connection: keep-alive" header in the HTTPS request. This introduces the need to restart the connection, which takes a few seconds and therefore sometimes the message to be sent was not processed correctly.

I corrected the request by inserting the header in the new release and now the second message is always sent as it should.

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Hi Tolentino, Thanks very much for solving the issue. I will download and try the update this weekend. I'm using your library in various projects now and it performs really well. Thanks! Kind regards, HenkJan

henkjannl commented 1 year ago

Sorry for not closing the issue, it works like a charm. Thanks!!