couchbase-partners / google-deployment-manager-couchbase

Google Deployment Manager (DM) templates for Couchbase Enterprise
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302 on curl to runtime config #5

Closed benofben closed 7 years ago

benofben commented 7 years ago

(1) Determine which IGM our rally point is in (2) Determine the first node of that IGM (3) Rally on that

Needs to be handled in the startup script. Likely a REST call.

benofben commented 7 years ago

Suggestions from Kyle on where to get this info:

benofben commented 7 years ago

rallyPrivateDNS - The metadata service doesn't have a way to get the IGM. I'm unclear on how to use the runtime configurator to resolve this issue.

nodePrivateDNS - I'm struggling with metadata service syntax using curl. I'll fiddle with this some more.

benofben commented 7 years ago

I've tried creating a runtime config, but and unsure of how to structure the variables in that. I sent an email to Chris asking for help.

benofben commented 7 years ago

Progress. We're creating it now...

benofben commented 7 years ago

Notes from Chris on how to do this:

So in the deployment you have the resource and you set the node count.

In the startup script you should have each VM write it's name to a variable. Using gcloud this would look like: gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables set node-list/nodeA nodea --is-text --config-name [resource config name]

Then the script would read the node count:

gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables get-value node-count --config-name [resource config name]

Then you need to read the list of nodes:

gcloud beta runtime-config configs variables list --filter=node-list --config-name [resource config name]

The last command above gives you the list of all nodes that have registered so far. Just sleep and loop until you the full list.

Sort and pick the first one.

You may have to do something to install gcloud on the VMs though.

Or you can call the api directly instead of using gcloud.

benofben commented 7 years ago

The doc is here:

benofben commented 7 years ago

So, we're setting nodecount now. Let's try reading it from the script...

benofben commented 7 years ago

This relies on gcloud beta. Apparently we can on install this with auth preconfigured on deb 7, so we're using that now. Going to move back to Ubuntu 14 at a later date.

benofben commented 7 years ago

eesh.... we're installing the gcloud beta on deb 7 successfully now. That works as long as it happens in the startup script. However, the beta isn't authenticated, so it can't query the runtime config. I'm not sure this approach is going to work. Just sent an email to Kyle asking for help.

benofben commented 7 years ago

Ok. Apparently the gcloud beta is not the way to go. We're back to trying this with curl. Suggestion from Kyle is:

To bypass the auth/upgrade/configuration issues with gcloud I think it's time to give curl (or python/whatever) a shot and manage the access token directly. If the instances are created with a service account you can actually grab the authorization token from the compute instance metadata:

From there, I think you could use the API instructions in the Runtime Config documentation to make your requests:

It should flow the same as your gcloud commands, but we'll be removing a variable we don't have any control over (how (often) gcloud is authenticating).

benofben commented 7 years ago

I’m trying to use curl to grab a token. I tried running the commands manually in an ssh session and got:

ben_lackey@ben2-cluster1-group1-instance-0kmg:/var/log$ curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google"{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"Service account not enabled on this instance"}ben_lackey@ben2-cluster1-group1-instance-0kmg:/var/log$

Given the “service account” error, I was thinking running as a startup script might work. I tried running this from the startup script: ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" | awk -F\" '{ print $4 }') echo ACCESS_TOKEN: $ACCESS_TOKEN

That gave me this: Jun 8 16:37:08 ben2-cluster1-group1-instance-0kmg startupscript: ACCESS_TOKEN: invalid_request

I’m not really clear on how these curl commands would be run by a service account in the DM. It looks like that may be the topic of our discussion tomorrow.

benofben commented 7 years ago

Doc on service accounts is here:

benofben commented 7 years ago

This is mostly working. We're getting 302 on the curl call because of DOS protection.

benofben commented 7 years ago

Seems resolved. Diagnosing as carry on DDOS issues. Closing this...