Please include a summary of the fix/feature/change, including any relevant motivation and context.
Type of Change
[X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue). Please, add the "bug" label to the PR.
[ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality). Please, add the "enhancement" label to the PR.
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected). Please, add the "breaking change" label to the PR.
[ ] This change requires a documentation update
[ ] Documentation fix/enhancement
Manual Testing Approach
How was this change tested and do you have evidence? (REQUIRED: Select at least 1)
[X] Manually tested
[ ] Unit tested
[ ] Acceptance tested
[ ] Unable to test / will not test (Please provide comments in section below)
Expected behavior is using Zulu time format will fail:
│ Error: Error creating audit log export job
│ with couchbase-capella_audit_log_export.new_auditlogexport,
│ on line 6, in resource "couchbase-capella_audit_log_export" "new_auditlogexport":
│ 6: resource "couchbase-capella_audit_log_export" "new_auditlogexport" {
│ Could not parse start time. Please ensure it's in format 2024-05-05T15:04:11+00:00. Error: parsing time "2024-05-05T15:04:11Z" as
│ "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00": cannot parse "Z" as "-07:00"
Required Checklist:
[X] I have checked that this change does not generate any credentials and that they are NOT accidentally logged anywhere.
[X] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works per HashiCorp requirements
[X] I have added any necessary documentation (if required)
Please include a summary of the fix/feature/change, including any relevant motivation and context.
Type of Change
Manual Testing Approach
How was this change tested and do you have evidence? (REQUIRED: Select at least 1)
Expected behavior is using Zulu time format will fail:
Required Checklist:
Further comments