couchbaselabs / cbforest

C++ wrapper library around ForestDB, for use in Couchbase Lite.
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RefCounted destructor can throw, triggering abort #105

Closed snej closed 8 years ago

snej commented 8 years ago

The RefCounted helper class (c4Impl.hh) has a destructor with an assertion in it. An assertion failure throws an exception, but throwing from a destructor is illegal and triggers immediate termination.

This seems to be the cause of; the assertion failure happens because the RefCounted instance hasn't been constructed yet.

To reproduce this I added a throw call at the start of MapReduceIndex::readState() to simulate a DB read error. This produces the following crash during the CBL ViewInternal test suite:

13:55:51.779| WARNING: ForestDB error: unknown error (-9999)
 {at FDBLogCallback:68}
13:55:51.780| WARNING: ForestDB error: Assertion failed: _refCount == 0 (/Couchbase/CouchbaseLite/vendor/CBForest/C/c4Impl.hh:115, in ~RefCounted) {at FDBLogCallback:68}
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type cbforest::error: unknown error
snej commented 8 years ago