1)Official CBL 1.4.0 is used.
2)Client was doing continuous push and pull from server 07/05 01:54:08.559 to 07/05 01:54:27.509.
3)~ 650 documents were pushed and and ~650 where pulled from server in ~20 secs.
4)dbcompact was not called by app.
5) As per CBL logs last operation was put as below.
In callback from compact, cbforest calls fdb_get(_handle, doc), but it returns non-FDB_RESULT_SUCCESS, and cbforest throws exception. But the exception is not caught by caller method.
Original ticket: https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-java-core/issues/1640
1)Official CBL 1.4.0 is used. 2)Client was doing continuous push and pull from server 07/05 01:54:08.559 to 07/05 01:54:27.509. 3)~ 650 documents were pushed and and ~650 where pulled from server in ~20 secs. 4)dbcompact was not called by app. 5) As per CBL logs last operation was put as below.
5)ForestDB Crash seen , below is stack trace:
Thanks Nithin