couchbaselabs / cbprometheus_python

Couchbase Metrics exported in Prometheus text format
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Slow query dashboard is not rendering any data when timezone is different from expected. #89

Closed sahnianuj closed 3 years ago

sahnianuj commented 3 years ago

n1ql statement to find all of the the completed requests in file, is not working as expected for different timezones and because of that dashboard is not rendering any slow queries.

n1ql_stmt = """SELECT IFMISSING(preparedText, statement) as statement, requestId AS request_id,
    service_time_ms, elapsed_time_ms, queue_time_ms, request_time_ms,
    resultCount AS result_count, resultSize AS result_size, query_selectivity_percent,
    scan_results, fetches
FROM system:completed_requests
LET request_time_ms = STR_TO_MILLIS(REPLACE(requestTime, " +0000 UTC", "Z")),
    service_time_ms = ROUND(STR_TO_DURATION(serviceTime) / 1e6),
    elapsed_time_ms = ROUND(STR_TO_DURATION(elapsedTime) / 1e6),
    queue_time_ms = ROUND(
      (STR_TO_DURATION(elapsedTime) - STR_TO_DURATION(serviceTime)) / 1e6
    , 3),
    query_selectivity_percent = ROUND(IFNULL(
        resultCount /
        IFMISSING(phaseCounts.`indexScan`, 0)
      ) * 100,
    0), 2),
    scan_results = IFMISSING(phaseCounts.`indexScan`, 0),
    fetches = IFMISSING(phaseCounts.`fetch`, 0)
    AND UPPER(IFMISSING(preparedText, statement)) NOT LIKE 'INFER %'
    AND UPPER(IFMISSING(preparedText, statement)) NOT LIKE 'ADVISE %'
    AND UPPER(IFMISSING(preparedText, statement)) NOT LIKE '% INDEX%'
    AND UPPER(IFMISSING(preparedText, statement)) NOT LIKE '% SYSTEM:%'
    AND request_time_ms >= ROUND(NOW_MILLIS(), 0) - 60000"""