cougarlj / COMPSRA

COMPSRA: a COMprehensive Platform for Small RNA-Seq data Analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
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STAR hg38 Files #13

Open brad-horn opened 3 years ago

brad-horn commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm fairly new to bioinformatics and want to use COMPSRA for a study, however, i'm struggling to to build the index files on my computer and can't currently get access to a more powerful cluster. This is using -mbi as stated in the test examples.

Is there anyway to get a copy of the files for hg38 that are written into - bundle_v1/db/star/hg38?

I have seen this link but I'm also unable to download them from here:

Any great will be massively appreciated.

Thank you

cougarlj commented 3 years ago

Dear Bard-horn,

We encouraged you to build the index files by yourself through COMPSRA, because the index files are huge in size and difficult to download (our server is not good at FTP). You can build them in a common computer with Linux OS. It may cost several hours and you can setup the assignment before you leave the IT room.

Best Wishes, Jiang Li