countmodula / VCVRackPlugins

Plugins for VCV Rack
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Corrections to PDF Manual #101

Closed therealkitman closed 1 year ago

therealkitman commented 1 year ago


Just a few corrections to the PDF manual V2.2.0-2 for the Oscilloscope.

On page 60 needs two corrections -

  1. "At a scale of 2V/Division a signal that is 10Vp-p will span the full height of the display." With those settings a 10Vp-p trace will only cover 5 divisions. If you want the full 20 divisions you need to set 0.5V/Div.

  2. "The Position knob sets the horizontal position of the trace." I think you meant the vertical trace, not horizontal.


AdamVerspaget commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for letting me know. I will update the manual for then next release.