coursera / courier

Data interchange for the modern web + mobile stack.
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Proof-of-concept for distributing executable binary #22

Closed eboto closed 8 years ago

eboto commented 8 years ago

Uses the coincidentally named alexarchambault/coursier as part of the build to generate a small (12kb) executable binary featuring all courier modes.

Figure this thing is small enough to just distribute here in github (bin/courier), removing requirement for bintray or any other binary distribution solution.

Try it out from the command-line (from courier project root)

sbt dist \
  && \
bin/courier \
  ts \
  target/test-courier \
  reference-suite/src/main/courier \
saeta commented 8 years ago

Hey @eboto thanks for this. Really funny naming coincidence.

Couple comments:

executableFile <<= (projectID, assembly, target) map {(projectId, assembly, target) =>
  val exeFile = target /
  IO.write(exeFile, """#!/bin/bash
                       |exec java -jar $0 "$@"
  IO.append(exeFile, IO.readBytes(assembly))

I'd prefer if instead of downloading a bunch of additional jars upon command execution, we'd instead download a single "fat-JAR" that only requires a JRE on the system to execute. (No network calls required.)

Are these changes something you'd be willing to help make?

saeta commented 8 years ago

Note: all the rest of your changes look great. :-)

eboto commented 8 years ago

Hey @saeta ! Thanks for the info. Also sorry for the long delay -- believe it or not this is the first time I've found a quiet moment to program in spare time for weeks!

I was wondering how coursier were making executable java binaries, and I bet they were using the same trick you just described! Cool to learn that.

Yeah I see your point about network connections. Half of me says "Well if you're downloading the jar then you need a network connection anyways, and if you've executed it once you don't need a network connection the second time", but there are bound to be users that drop the ball there, forget to execute it the first time, and end up with a useless executable later on when they're trying to code from an airplane.

Long-story-short: A fat jar sounds appropriate.

I'll make the change to strip coursier.

eboto commented 8 years ago

OK that should do it! running executableFile in the courier-cli project generates an executable fat jar in cli/target/courier

saeta commented 8 years ago

Wow, super speedy work! And I fully understand what you mean by not finding a spare moment. That looks great. I've now played around with Bintray, so I'll see if I can get this published today. Merging...