coursera / metrics-datadog

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Question about metrics-datadog usage #61

Open s101d1 opened 7 years ago

s101d1 commented 7 years ago

I have Dropwizard app with a Resource class and its method annotated with @Timed annotation:

package com.example.resources;

public class UserResource {

    public User findUser(@PathParam("id") LongParam id) {


When I opened http://localhost:8081/metrics?pretty=true on browser, I can see the findUser method metrics data, such as:

"timers" : {
    "com.example.resources.UserResource.findUser" : {
        "count" : 1,
        "max" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "mean" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "min" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p50" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p75" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p95" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p98" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p99" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "p999" : 0.042068400000000006,
        "stddev" : 0.0,
        "m15_rate" : 0.0,
        "m1_rate" : 0.0,
        "m5_rate" : 0.0,
        "mean_rate" : 0.026105587280777456,
        "duration_units" : "seconds",
        "rate_units" : "calls/second"

But I don't see the same metric data in DataDog Agent Manager logs.

Most of metrics data I see are jvm related metrics such as:

(as showed in "Logs & Status" -> "Dogstatsd Logs")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "dogstatsd.pyc", line 420, in start
  File "aggregator.pyc", line 612, in submit_packets
  File "aggregator.pyc", line 485, in parse_metric_packet
Exception: Metric value must be a number: jvm.filedescriptor, ?

FYI this is the code where I enable the DataDog metrics:

public class MainApplication extends Application<MainConfiguration> {

    public void run(final MainConfiguration configuration, final Environment environment) throws IOException {
        EnumSet<DatadogReporter.Expansion> expansions = DatadogReporter.Expansion.ALL;
        UdpTransport udpTransport = new UdpTransport.Builder().build();
        DatadogReporter reporter = DatadogReporter.forRegistry(environment.metrics())

        reporter.start(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

and in the dropwizard yml file:

  frequency: 1 minute
    - type: datadog
        type: udp

I'm new to dropwizard metrics so perhaps I missed something here?

Also, what is the difference between frequency option in yml and period time in reporter.start(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ?

nickdella commented 7 years ago

Hi @s101d1 ! Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with Dropwizard either; we use Play Framework here at Coursera. I dug around Dropwizard a bit and it looks like you shouldn't need to start the reporter on your own. Dropwizard should pick up your configuration from the yaml file and start DatadogReporterautomatically (see ). Can you try removing the reporter initialization from your run method?

s101d1 commented 7 years ago

I removed them and still don't see metric data of "findUser" in DataDog Agent logs.

s101d1 commented 7 years ago

If I add this settings on config.yml, it shows the findUser metrics info on the console:

  frequency: 1 minute
    - type: datadog
        type: udp
    - type: console
          output: stdout

Not sure if the DataDog Agent Manager app has bug or I'm missing someting here.

aantono commented 7 years ago

Make sure you have a DataDog agent and a DogStatsD listener running on the localhost where your application is running. The reporter under the hood sends data to DogStatsD endpoint, which, by default, is expected to be running on localhost:8125.