courtiol / IsoriX

This is the gthub repository dedicated to the development of the R package IsoriX
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check compatibility with tibble and in the absence of factors #118

Closed courtiol closed 2 years ago

courtiol commented 3 years ago

The workflows should be ran using tibbles with no factor for all user input files and we need to make sure all works smoothly in such a case.

vullioud commented 3 years ago

What do you think of a function that turn the input tables into a data.frame and at the same time check if nrow > 1. Solving this (#118) and #77 at the same time ?

courtiol commented 3 years ago

Not sure anymore that #77 referred to one row in total or one row per location, but yes you can try that.

f-rousset commented 3 years ago

This is a really long test, each of the three calibfit taking ~50s. Isnt' there a way to test compatibility more economically ? It tests as well with index2 <- sample(1:nrow(CalibDataBat), 3)

Alternatively, wrap the calibfits in if(getOption_IsoriX("example_maxtime") > 100) { ... } which would allow me to switch off easily this part of the test when I run the IsoriX tests as part of the spaMM tests.

courtiol commented 2 years ago

Fixed and relatively fast on my computer.