Closed OnePotato2 closed 1 year ago
As an aside here, for that conda env, you can prompt an update from pangolin --update and it claims to update constellations, but refers to it as 0.1.10 in the subsequent --all-versions, and will attempt to update it again in a follow-up --update
No, it's a more basic issue - the git merge de-incrememented the version in the constellations init. I'll update
I think that should be solved now
Following the update to v0.1.11 for constellations
I installed a clean version of pangolin including the following line in the .yaml:
When verifying via pangolin --all-versions version v0.1.10 is listed
Does need a line entry for constellations 0.1.11?
and do you think that, when installed via yaml rather than pangolin --update, I am seeing a faulty notice for a true 0.1.11, or that the install did enforce an older version of constellations due to either my pip pointer or the pangolin logs?