DescriptionSub-lineage of: B.1.617.2 (21J)
Earliest sequence: 2021/10/25 (Denmark)
Most recent sequence: 2021/12/11 (Denmark)
Countries circulating: Denmark predominantly, and 2 sequences from Sweden
Down-sampled tree as per Neherlab doesn't work very well, as there are only 2 isolates of this potential sublineage included by its down-sampling. I have to use a scatter tree (filtered to B.1.617.2) to have a proper view of it:
Description Sub-lineage of: B.1.617.2 (21J) Earliest sequence: 2021/10/25 (Denmark) Most recent sequence: 2021/12/11 (Denmark) Countries circulating: Denmark predominantly, and 2 sequences from Sweden
Substitutions on top of B.1.617.2:
Gene | Mutations -- | -- ORF1a | A385T, K636R, P1497S ORF1b | M1582I, I2147M ORF3a | D155Y ORF7b | E39stop, H42Q nuc | A2172G, C4754T, C7945T, G11161A, T11488C, T19500C, C23683T, C25710TEvidence Usher tree:
Uher tree displaying geographical distribution:
Down-sampled tree as per Neherlab doesn't work very well, as there are only 2 isolates of this potential sublineage included by its down-sampling. I have to use a scatter tree (filtered to B.1.617.2) to have a proper view of it:
Mutation of the branch as per Neherlab:,27131&f_country=Denmark&f_pango_usher=B.1.617.2&l=scatter&p=full&r=division&scatterY=gt
Transmission advantage as per Cov-spectrum:*%2CORF7b%3A42Q%2CORF3a%3AD155Y