Closed StevenLOL closed 9 years ago
Sorry about this. Definitely a bug. I just pushed a fix. Keep in mind that the timeseries and HMM stuff is in beta. No guarantees. To validate the bug fix try this test script.
Thanks and good luck, Kenny
prtPath( 'alpha', 'beta' ); % make sure prtDataSetTimeSeries is on path
% Generate two HMMs for drawing data
% The second one has a flipped transition matrix.
A = [.9 .1 0; 0 .9 .1; .1 0 .9];
gaussians = repmat(prtRvMvn('sigma',eye(2)),3,1);
gaussians(1).mu = [-2 -2];
gaussians(2).mu = [2 -2];
gaussians(3).mu = [2 2];
sourceHmm1 = prtRvHmm('pi',[1 1 1]/3,...
sourceHmm2 = prtRvHmm('pi',[1 1 1]/3,...
% Draw data from these HMMs
nTimeSeriesPerClass = 50;
nSamplesPerTimeSeries = 100;
x = cat(1,sourceHmm1.draw(ones(1,nTimeSeriesPerClass)*nSamplesPerTimeSeries),sourceHmm2.draw(ones(1,nTimeSeriesPerClass)*nSamplesPerTimeSeries));
y = prtUtilY(nTimeSeriesPerClass,nTimeSeriesPerClass);
% Place into to a dataSetTimeSeries
ds = prtDataSetTimeSeries(x,y);
ds.classNames = {'Class A','Class flipud(A)'};
% Train a MAP classifier that uses HMMs to model each class
class = train(prtClassMap('rvs',prtRvHmm('components',repmat(prtRvMvn,3,1))),ds);
% Evaluate the classifier (Note: No cross-validation is performed here!!!
out = run(class,ds); % Note: out is a prtDataSetClass
% Plot the learned HMM parameters
class.rvs(1).components(1).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 1 Component 1 pdf')
class.rvs(1).components(2).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 1 Component 2 pdf')
class.rvs(1).components(3).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 1 Component 3 pdf')
title('Class 1 Transition Matrix')
class.rvs(2).components(1).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 2 Component 1 pdf')
class.rvs(2).components(2).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 2 Component 2 pdf')
class.rvs(2).components(3).plotPdf([-5 5 -5 5])
title('Class 2 Component 3 pdf')
title('Class 2 Transition Matrix')
Test script reports no problem. Thank you for the quick response.
I try the prtDataSetTimeSeries, then setup a HMM and start to train a model,
training = prtDataSetTimeSeries; training = training.setX(features); % ... training = training.setY(classes); training.classNames = uniqueLabels;
And found that error occurs in prtDataSetInMem.m , says
No appropriate method, property, or field nFeatures for class prtDataSetTimeSeries.
Indeed I found the self.summarize.nFeatures in this file could give some value, so is there a bug ?
In master branch, UBUNTU 14.04 , matlab2014 and matlab2012