I would like to ask how to specify a bi-variate model with different fixed effects for each trait.
Say y1=fix1b1+cov1c1+e1, and y2=fix2b2+cov2c2+e2,
where y1 and y2 are continuous responses, fix1 and fix2 are fixed classification variables, cov1 and cov2 are continuous co-variables, and e1 and e2 are residuals.
The task is to estimate a 2x2 residual co-variance matrix. How would such model be specified?
I could not find any example for this case in the manual.
Running trial and error, I have not reach the point of fitting the co-variables.
I successfully tried mmer(fixed=cbind(y1,y2)~vs(fix1,Gtr=fcm(c(1,0))),data=data).
But I stuck at fitting fix2: mmer(fixed=cbind(y1,y2)~vs(fix1,Gtr=fcm(c(1,0)))+vs(fix2,Gtr=fcm(c(0,1)))-1,data=data) .........
where I am getting message "fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 253 columns / coefficients" which implies that either "fix1" or "fix2" is entirely dropped from the model.
Thanks for the great package.
I would like to ask how to specify a bi-variate model with different fixed effects for each trait.
Say y1=fix1b1+cov1c1+e1, and y2=fix2b2+cov2c2+e2,
where y1 and y2 are continuous responses, fix1 and fix2 are fixed classification variables, cov1 and cov2 are continuous co-variables, and e1 and e2 are residuals.
The task is to estimate a 2x2 residual co-variance matrix. How would such model be specified?
I could not find any example for this case in the manual.
Running trial and error, I have not reach the point of fitting the co-variables.
I successfully tried mmer(fixed=cbind(y1,y2)~vs(fix1,Gtr=fcm(c(1,0))),data=data).
But I stuck at fitting fix2: mmer(fixed=cbind(y1,y2)~vs(fix1,Gtr=fcm(c(1,0)))+vs(fix2,Gtr=fcm(c(0,1)))-1,data=data) .........
where I am getting message "fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 253 columns / coefficients" which implies that either "fix1" or "fix2" is entirely dropped from the model.
Any help much appreciated.
Best regards.