covaruber / sommer

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mmec error when data is provided as tibble #60

Closed nielverb closed 1 month ago

nielverb commented 2 months ago

The mmec function returns an error ('Error in .subscript.2ary(x, i, j, drop = drop) : subscript out of bounds') when the data is provided as a tibble, a 'data frame with class [tbl_df]'. This can be solved by converting the tibble to a data.frame with the function, but as it's not obvious what is causing the error in the first place, it may be useful to ensure package compatibility with the tibble format.

A minimal code example is shown below:


ID <- paste0("ID-", str_pad(1:100, 3, pad="0")) # 100 genotype IDs
Env <- as.character(1:4) # 4 environments

ID_test <- sample(ID, 15) # sample 15 genotype IDs for making a test set

# creating a data frame with all combinations of IDs and environments
df_example <- expand_grid(ID = ID, Env = Env) %>% 
  mutate(y = rnorm(n()), # random response variable
         yNA = if_else(ID %in% ID_test, NA, y)) # masking test IDs with NA

# genomic matrix dummy
M_dummy <- matrix(round(runif(100*1000)*2, 0)-1, nrow = 100)
colnames(M_dummy) <- paste0("SNP-", str_pad(1:dim(M_dummy)[2], 4, pad = "0"))
rownames(M_dummy) <- paste0("ID-", str_pad(1:dim(M_dummy)[1], 3, pad = "0"))

# calculate GRM
X <- scale(M_dummy,scale = T,center = T)
GRM_dummy <- tcrossprod(X)/ncol(X)
GRM_dummy <- as(GRM_dummy, Class="dgCMatrix")

# run mmec model, this should return the error
GBLUP_model <- mmec(formula("yNA ~ 1"),
              random = ~ vsc(dsc(Env), dsc(ID), Gu = GRM_dummy),
              rcov = ~ units,
              data = df_example)

# error can be solved by using around df_example
GBLUP_model <- mmec(formula("yNA ~ 1"),
                    random = ~ vsc(dsc(Env), dsc(ID), Gu = GRM_dummy),
                    rcov = ~ vsc(dsc(ID), isc(units)),
                    data =
covaruber commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this and I apologize for the slow response. I will add this line of code and push it together with other changes to CRAN and GitHub next week :) thanks

covaruber commented 1 month ago

This has been corrected and pushed to Github. On CRAN in the next days.